Health & Medical Adolescent Health

What You Should Expect From A Children"s Disco Entertainer: The Legal Stuff

Public Liability Insurance Is this necessary? Yes A brief explanation: Public Liability Insurance or PLI for short is a type of insurance.
This protects the entertainer in the event of unexpected injury or damage arising from his performance.
Although it is uncommon for a venue to ask for PLI, it does happen from time to time and you should be wary of an entertainer who isn't prepared to protect himself in this way.
In addition, companies who offer PLI often offer equipment cover too, so a lack of PLI could mean that the entertainer doesn't have insurance for their own equipment either.
If their equipment isn't insured then this should ring alarm bells; if they're not prepared to look after their own equipment properly, will they take appropriate care with your little ones? CRB check Is this necessary? It is desirable but not technically necessary.
Brief explanation: CRB check stands for Criminal Records Bureau check, and many adults who frequently work with children are required to have had one.
There are two levels of CRB check; "Standard" or "Enhanced".
Although some venues ask to see a CRB certificate, it is generally advised that only the person responsible for hiring the entertainer should see the CRB certificate.
Entertainers aren't strictly required to have a CRB check in the same way as the cast of a theatre show, for example, because they are only responsible for entertaining the children, not actually looking after or supervising them.
However, a lot of entertainers have taken it upon themselves to obtain one simply to add credibility to their show and to give parents the peace of mind that comes with it.
Portable Appliance Testing Is this necessary? Yes Brief Explanation: The entertainer should have his equipmentPortable Appliance Tested, or PAT for short, every year.
This test checks that his or her equipment is electrically safe to use.
As church halls, school halls and other party venues can vary in terms of their own electrical safety features, it is important that the entertainer's equipment is safe to use in all venues, thus eliminating any electrical risk from potentially faulty equipment.
Summary In the case of a PAT, CRB check or PLI, the entertainer will be able to provide you with a certificate of proof.
Some venues require some or all of this information, so you should be wary of any entertainer who is unable to provide these if given a reasonable timescale to do so.
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