Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Keeping Your Kids Safe While Online

The Internet is a wonderful, but very diverse place.
How do you let your kids surf and have fun while keeping them safe at the same time? Here are some tips: Use Browser Settings In Internet Explorer, you can set what type of websites your child is allowed to visit.
Click on TOOLS, then INTERNET OPTIONS, then click on the CONTENT tab and then click on ENABLE underneath CONTENT ADVISOR.
This will bring up the CONTENT ADVISOR window, from which you can specify many settings including set approved and disapproved sites manually, specify a ratings system to use and specify many detailed settings as to how much or how little of certain types of content you want your child to have access to.
Kid Safe Web Browsers In addition to browser settings, for smaller children, a completely kid safe web browser will be the best option.
Browsers including KidZui, KidRocket and Kidsplorer are stand alone browsers made specifically for kids.
These browsers have features like time limits, pop up blockers, simplified navigation, approved websites and many other features that make the browser safe and easy for kids to use attended or unattended.
If you have AOL, you should also consider creating a special account just for your child.
AOL has extensive parental control options.
You will be able to select the age group of the child or teen and they will have access to only age appropriate material.
AOL also offers a portal for kids, with sections for games, homework help, music, sports, style and email.
Make Rules Clear A child can't stay safe online if the parent does not make the rules clear beforehand.
Consider putting up a rules list next to the computer so your child can't forget them.
Basic rules should include: - Don't reveal your real identity online - Don't give out personal information, including phone number, address, name of their school etc.
- Don't post your real photo online - Don't fill out online profiles with detailed information - Don't meet online friends in real life - Respect other people online, don't harass or bother others - Respect the property of other people online, don't steal games, music, graphics or other works Keep Dialogue Open Tell your kids to let you know if anything they have seen or read bothers them or they don't understand something.
Let them know you are there to talk to, if needed.
Keep Watch You may trust your child, but that doesn't mean they won't get into trouble accidentally or on purpose.
Keep an eye on your child using the computer.
Place your computer in the kitchen or in another open place in the house, not their bedroom.
Consider using a program or device to monitor your child's Internet usage and check out the logs of your child's activity daily.

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