Got Teens?
"You've got to be kidding me, mom!" Exasperated again by something I said or did, my teenager sighed heavily and looked at me as if I had a celery stalk growing out of my head.
His furrowed brow and squinty eyes said it all! I simply didn't understand his position.
How could I? It must been back in the Stone Age when I was a teenager, or at least it might as well be from his perspective.
I'm teen challenged.
I readily admit my weakness.
I know I need help with this debilitating issue.
I've been thinking seriously of starting a support group.
I just know there's other parents out there like me.
I went to college and have a career, yet every day it seems like I get dumber and dumber in my teen's eyes.
My husband and I are thinking about getting t-shirts that say "I'm with stupid.
" That way when people see us out in the community, they'll have no expectations of us.
They'll already know we're steadily losing brain cells and before long we won't be able to concurrently talk and walk.
Schools are always looking for effective fund raisers.
I believe I have the answer: selling shirts, banners, coffee mugs and miniature footballs with the letters ITC (short for I'm Teen Challenged) emblazoned boldly on them.
What parents wouldn't support that cause? We all suffer from the same quizzical looks, talking under breath comments, raised arms and the ever so famous question, "Are you serious??!! When we see each other on the street or at school functions with our ITC memorabilia no words will have to be spoken.
We will automatically know the frustrations of each other.
We'll hug, sigh and encourage one another to continue the good fight.
Knowing that ITC doesn't last forever and someday, yes someday, we will regain our intelligence.
These dark days won't last forever.
for those brave souls who along with me are teen challenged, be encouraged.
Joshua 1:9 states, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
" There you have it...
we're not alone.
Whatever teen challenges you're having today, hold fast! We're going to make it together!
His furrowed brow and squinty eyes said it all! I simply didn't understand his position.
How could I? It must been back in the Stone Age when I was a teenager, or at least it might as well be from his perspective.
I'm teen challenged.
I readily admit my weakness.
I know I need help with this debilitating issue.
I've been thinking seriously of starting a support group.
I just know there's other parents out there like me.
I went to college and have a career, yet every day it seems like I get dumber and dumber in my teen's eyes.
My husband and I are thinking about getting t-shirts that say "I'm with stupid.
" That way when people see us out in the community, they'll have no expectations of us.
They'll already know we're steadily losing brain cells and before long we won't be able to concurrently talk and walk.
Schools are always looking for effective fund raisers.
I believe I have the answer: selling shirts, banners, coffee mugs and miniature footballs with the letters ITC (short for I'm Teen Challenged) emblazoned boldly on them.
What parents wouldn't support that cause? We all suffer from the same quizzical looks, talking under breath comments, raised arms and the ever so famous question, "Are you serious??!! When we see each other on the street or at school functions with our ITC memorabilia no words will have to be spoken.
We will automatically know the frustrations of each other.
We'll hug, sigh and encourage one another to continue the good fight.
Knowing that ITC doesn't last forever and someday, yes someday, we will regain our intelligence.
These dark days won't last forever.
for those brave souls who along with me are teen challenged, be encouraged.
Joshua 1:9 states, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
" There you have it...
we're not alone.
Whatever teen challenges you're having today, hold fast! We're going to make it together!