Anti ageing,Reverse ageing treatment in mumbai
It is understandable that when you reach a certain age, you will start to wonder how to reverse ageing skin. While looking in mirror may upset you when you observe those fine lines,wrinkles,sagging.
What is the process of Ageing?
Ageing is the process of growing old. It is a continuous time dependent and multifactorial phenomenon of reduction in size and number of cells and also reduction in the rate of many organic functions both at cellular and molecular levels.
The main reason though, that skin starts to sag, is that collagen growth decelerates and the elastin in our skin becomes less elastic.
What are the causes of Ageing?
Stress, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and excessive food intake speed up the aging process.
The sun's ultraviolet rays are extremely damaging to your skin, Other causes includes cigarette smoking, drinking more coffee and caffeinated beverages, and consuming lot of alcohol.
For everyone now more than ever, the first impression is the lasting impression. People are constantly assessed by others simply on the basis of their appearance. There are positive attributes to ageing like increased wisdom and maturity, better mental acuity and richer life experience. The wisdom of growing old does not lie in eternal youth, but in growing old sensibly. One should not seek to add years to life, but life to the years.
One should never be passive when it comes to your health. You need to take charge of your body and your health. Are you plagued with wrinkles around your eyes and saggy skin around your abdomen that won't go away with exercise? Or frown lines that make you look angry when you are not?
To age gracefully means to let nature take its course while doing everything in your power to delay the onset of age related disease. It is better to be sixty years young than forty years old. However; there are several treatments to stay healthy and fight premature ageing.Various Non surgical and Non invasive technologies like Radio Frequency with Diode Laser, Intense Pulse Light, and Mesotherapy are indicated for various skin problems like Puffy face with Baggy eyelids, Double chin, Fine lines, Frown lines, Laughing lines, Dark Circles and Pigmentation.
1] Radio Frequency with Diode laser induces new collagen formation. RF can cause the collagen to contract and tighten over a period of time and the combination diode laser can help to reduce other problems, such as redness and brown pigmentation blotches. Treatment for Sagging Skin, Tightening and Upliftment.
2] Mesotherapy:- Spanish Technology for Electrphoretic Lipolysis and Skin Rejuvenation. Also works wonders for Double chin, Puffy face and baggy eyelids.
Mesotherapy is a non Invasive procedure with a circular motion massage to
€ Improve blood flow
€ Smoothen skin
€ Enhance Skin elasticity.
3] IPL [ Intense Pulse Light]:- Intense pulsed light (IPL) or flashlamp therapy is a non-invasive and non-ablative treatment that uses high intensity pulses of visible light to improve the appearance of skin problems.
What is the process of Ageing?
Ageing is the process of growing old. It is a continuous time dependent and multifactorial phenomenon of reduction in size and number of cells and also reduction in the rate of many organic functions both at cellular and molecular levels.
The main reason though, that skin starts to sag, is that collagen growth decelerates and the elastin in our skin becomes less elastic.
What are the causes of Ageing?
Stress, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and excessive food intake speed up the aging process.
The sun's ultraviolet rays are extremely damaging to your skin, Other causes includes cigarette smoking, drinking more coffee and caffeinated beverages, and consuming lot of alcohol.
For everyone now more than ever, the first impression is the lasting impression. People are constantly assessed by others simply on the basis of their appearance. There are positive attributes to ageing like increased wisdom and maturity, better mental acuity and richer life experience. The wisdom of growing old does not lie in eternal youth, but in growing old sensibly. One should not seek to add years to life, but life to the years.
One should never be passive when it comes to your health. You need to take charge of your body and your health. Are you plagued with wrinkles around your eyes and saggy skin around your abdomen that won't go away with exercise? Or frown lines that make you look angry when you are not?
To age gracefully means to let nature take its course while doing everything in your power to delay the onset of age related disease. It is better to be sixty years young than forty years old. However; there are several treatments to stay healthy and fight premature ageing.Various Non surgical and Non invasive technologies like Radio Frequency with Diode Laser, Intense Pulse Light, and Mesotherapy are indicated for various skin problems like Puffy face with Baggy eyelids, Double chin, Fine lines, Frown lines, Laughing lines, Dark Circles and Pigmentation.
1] Radio Frequency with Diode laser induces new collagen formation. RF can cause the collagen to contract and tighten over a period of time and the combination diode laser can help to reduce other problems, such as redness and brown pigmentation blotches. Treatment for Sagging Skin, Tightening and Upliftment.
2] Mesotherapy:- Spanish Technology for Electrphoretic Lipolysis and Skin Rejuvenation. Also works wonders for Double chin, Puffy face and baggy eyelids.
Mesotherapy is a non Invasive procedure with a circular motion massage to
€ Improve blood flow
€ Smoothen skin
€ Enhance Skin elasticity.
3] IPL [ Intense Pulse Light]:- Intense pulsed light (IPL) or flashlamp therapy is a non-invasive and non-ablative treatment that uses high intensity pulses of visible light to improve the appearance of skin problems.