Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

How Do I Put Bolts Into Cement for a Standard Diving Board in a Residential Pool?

    • 1). Check your local regulations on pools. Some jurisdictions no longer allow residential diving boards to be installed.

    • 2). Mark the spots for your anchor bolts. The installation instructions that come with the diving board will tell you how far apart they must be and how far from the pool edge. Mark the spots with a permanent marker.

    • 3). Attach the masonry bit to your hammer drill. Set the drill's depth gauge to match the length of the anchor.

    • 4). Drill the holes at the spots marked with the permanent marker. Use both hands to keep the bit perpendicular to the surface. If you feel the bit getting hot, spray lightly with water from a spray bottle.

    • 5). Clean out the debris from the holes using a wire brush. A cleaner hole will grip the anchor more strongly.

    • 6). Place the air bulb nozzle in the holes and squeeze to blow out the remaining dust.

    • 7). Place the anchors in the cleaned holes.

    • 8). Hammer the anchors in tightly. If they came with a setting tool, insert the thin end of it into the anchor and hammer the thick end. If there is no setting tool, screw the bolt in lightly and hammer the top of it.

    • 9). Place the bolts into the anchors and tighten them down with a torque wrench.

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