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How to Determine Legitimate DEA Numbers

    • 1). Add the first, third and fifth digits together. For example, if the DEA number was "RC2374658," add "3," "7," and "6." This would equal fifteen.

    • 2). Combine the second, fourth, and sixth digits of the DEA number together, and then multiply the total by two. For example, if the DEA number was "RC2374658," add "2," "4," and "5." Multiply the sum(eleven) by two, in order to equal twenty-two.

    • 3). Add the sum of digits one, three, and five to the result of adding digits two, four, and six times two. For example, if the DEA number was "RC2374658," the numbers "3," "7," and "6" would be added "2," "4," and "5," multiplied by two. The answer would be thirty-eight.

    • 4). Check the last digit of the answer, in this case thirty-eight, against the last digit in the DEA number. The numbers are the same if pharmacist's or physician's DEA number is valid.

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