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Florida Reasons for Reducing Child Support

    • Child support payments are made by a noncustodial parent to help cover the expenses of a child. The state of Florida governs child support under Title 30, Chapter 40 of the Florida Statutes. The Florida Department of Revenue is responsible for collecting child support payments and obtaining judgments with the aid of the courts and the Florida Child Support Enforcement Program. Noncustodial parents in Florida may reduce their child support costs under limited circumstances, if they experience a significant change in income or provide additional support to the child.

    Income Changes

    • The state of Florida will reduce child support payments, if a party experiences a significant change in income. The difference between what you are able to pay and what the court has ordered you to pay must be at least 15 percent or $50, whichever amount is larger. This applies to wages, investment incomes and salaries from a wide variety of sources. If the income of the custodial parent increases in relation to the non-custodial parent, the noncustodial parent may appeal to a Florida court for the reduction of child support payments.

    Benefit Reduction

    • If you are required to pay child support by a court order and the amount of benefits you receive change, you can petition to a Florida court for a reduction in support payments. Social Security, pension, retirement, annuity and disability plans all factor into the child support calculation. If you experience a drop in benefits that you need to live on, a court may modify your payments.

    Medical Expenses

    • Health insurance expenses for a dependent are deducted from child support orders. If the custodial parent obtains health care from her employer or the noncustodial parent pays health insurance for the child, she can have the amount of child support adjusted. Sometimes a Florida court will require a noncustodial payment to pay more than the minimum child support award for extraordinary expenses resulting from a medical condition. If the child has a temporary medical condition, the noncustodial parent may have the support payments reduced after the child has recovered.

    Time Limit

    • Before child support can be reduced, the Florida Department of Revenue requires at least three years or more to have passed since a child support order was changed or reviewed. In addition, you must have at least six months left of current child support obligations for a modification to take place. For example, if your dependent is about to turn 18, you cannot modify your current support.

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