Blue Mountain Plant Information
- Blue mountain will tolerate moist to drought conditions with various types of soil in sunny or partly shady locations in USDA zones eight through 10. There are many varieties of Ceanothus that thrive in multiple areas of the United States. A more complete list of types and locations can be found at at the USDA's website (See Resources).
- Frosty blue can be used as a hedge shrub in groups or other varieties can be cultivated to reach heights of up to 20 feet. A few common varieties include C. Gloire de versaille, which grows to 12 feet, and C. Gloriosus, which is a ground cover that grows only six inches tall but spreads nicely in all directions.
- Care of the blue mountain plant is limited. In fact, if you neglect this plant, it may be healthier, according to Overwatering and overfeeding are two factors that can discourage healthy growth. You can feed sparingly with a fertilizer especially designed for rhododendrons in the late winter or early spring.
- Pruning is not necessary and should only be done just after the blooming period has passed. Pruning later in the year promotes new growth that can be damaged or die back in an early freeze.