Health & Medical Hypertension

Three Common Causes of Resistant Hypertension

Resistant hypertension is medically defined as high BP that is resistant to conventional medical therapy.
According to some perspectives it affects roughly between 1 to 13 percent of all hypertension sufferers.
Despite intake of three or more anti hypertensive drugs blood pressure remains elevated to 140/90mmHg for individuals under the age of 60 and 160/90mmHg for individuals who are age 60 or older.
There are specific causes of resistant hypertension which high blood pressure specialist have identified if when addressed can bring dramatic results to high BP patients.
Poor patient compliance Research shows that up to 80% of resistant hypertension patients are partially non compliant to the treatment of the disease.
This is due to a lack of knowledge about the disease.
Frankly a significant number of people are unaware of the causes nor symptoms of hypertension.
This creates a very complex situation when a patient is finally diagnosed with high BP.
A lack of symptoms associated with high BP also fools some patients into thinking they have completely recovered thereby stopping taking their medication going forward.
Patient noncompliance as it relates to resistant hypertension is also due to the cost of high BP drugs.
This is usually the case in poorer developing communities.
Due to cost patients may ignore some components of treatment making the regime incomplete.
The side effects of medications themselves on the other hand also leads to patient noncompliance.
BP medications side effects are well known for causing some patients to discharge them self from a treatment regime without ever communicating with their physician or nurse.
Complex dosing schedules are also a cause of patient non-compliance.
There is need to simplify drug regimen to ensure that patients can follow with relative ease their medication schedules.
Physicians will also need to monitor pill intake to deal with possible missed pill schedules which will cumulatively result in resistant hypertension.
Lack of lifestyle modification Lifestyle changes are absolutely necessary for anyone diagnosed with hypertension.
Despite high BP diagnosis many patients make no effort to shed off their obese status or overweight status.
This causes continued stress on the heart and the entire cardiovascular system playing a critical role in resistant hypertension despite medication.
Doctors have shown the importance of exercise in lowering high blood pressure.
Failure to reduce salt consumption amongst hypertension patients is also a factor in resistant hypertension.
On average normal sodium consumption should be 2300mg.
Most adults consume up to 5400mg per day which is about 130% above average.
People who are particularly salt sensitive will have severely elevated BP on consumption of sodium found in most salts.
High BP patients are required to immediately go on a low salt diet to ensure adequate control of hypertension.
Lifestyle modifications should also include a sharp drop in alcohol consumption and a conscious decision to quit smoking.
Tobacco and alcohol consumption are known to contribute negatively to high BP.
Hypertension treatment becomes very difficult when a patient continues to indulge in drinking and smoking.
Inaccurate measurement and white coat hypertension Another factor in resistant hypertension is inaccurate measurement.
Measuring blood pressure is as important as having the correct brand of high blood pressure equipment.
Many people who measure blood pressure at home may find difficult in taking blood pressure correctly.
This can be as a result of following to follow equipment instructions or using too tight a hand cuff.
This inflates readings giving an impression of elevated blood pressure.
White coat hypertension is also a factor.
It affects a significant number of people.
It is important to introduce other mechanisms to deal with white coat hypertension to ensure accurate results.

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