Business & Finance Credit

Save a Little With The Right Types of Credit Cards

There are a lot of theories regarding the complete economic breakdown we are currently experiencing.
Unemployment is hovering around ten percent and people are panicking.
This, of course, isn't brand new information since it's been a few years since we've seen an improvement.
We are still struggling through this recession as we speak.
Many think it was the Bush administration who ran this country into the ground with its reckless spending and terrible decision making.
Many economists blame the banks that took many risks that caught up to them, causing many of them to bankrupt themselves.
The government then had to step in and bail them out along with many other companies including car dealerships and airlines.
But regardless of who is to blame for this time of crisis, almost no one is looking out for the average American.
It is almost common sense to everyone that the average American is in a lot of credit card debt without much of a chance to get out.
We have been taught as a society to spend spend spend.
There are sales at every corner and borrowing money that you don't have is as easy as opening the mail.
It has been documented that the average citizen will actually spend one dollar and ten cents for every dollar that they earn from their jobs.
This makes it obvious that people are definitely spending time looking for ways to buy more things.
One way to get more money from thin air is credit card comparison.
There are of course many choices since every bank offers a credit card now and there is almost no limit to how many pieces of plastic you can actually acquire before people realize you have absolutely no money.
Each card has rewards that make you think you are actually getting something out of spending your hard earned money.
What's worse is that many credit companies are coming out wit new cards called balance transfer credit cards.
These will allow you to transfer whatever you spend to other accounts where you still have credit if you happen to run out on one card.
Some places in the world like Macau are actually letting you gamble with cards now which is very bad news for the average person.
Who knows how we'll ever climb out of debt.
Maybe we should do what happened at the end of the movie fight club.

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