Health & Medical Autism

More Information About Autism Symptoms

Autism is not just another word.
Sure, it is heard frequently, but Autism is a disorder.
Most people only know Autism by word and maybe a few little facts.
It is important for everyone to know more about it and learn more about the Autism symptoms.
Knowing more about this disorder can help others understand someone with the condition or notice if someone has Autism, and help them get the right treatment.
It is not something that has a cure - not yet.
There is not even a known cause to help prevent it.
The truth is that even though so many children and adults suffer from it, information about the cause and cure is still lost to humanity.
Autism is considered to be genetic and can be noticed or often detected by those that are close to the child, including teachers, family and friends.
However, it is best to notice the behavior patterns of the child and report them to the doctor correctly.
Knowing the symptoms will help the doctor check if the child is autistic.
Individuals with autism need supervision, along with their treatment and as a parent of an autistic child, you are feeling lost there are support groups in your local areas or online.
Being a member of a support group can help deal with innumerable situations that you face, as do most of the other parents while dealing with their children.
Autism symptoms vary for each child and thus, can be difficult to identify the disorder.
There are actually many symptoms, but not every child exhibits all of the symptoms, making it extremely difficult to pin-point and say that the child is autistic, if the disorder is mild.
Often children need to have four symptoms and accordingly the doctor determines, if they are autistic or not.
Some Autism symptoms include: *Prefer to be alone and often described as living in their own world *Do not like touching or being touched by others *Poor language skills *Difficult expressing their thoughts into words *Strange ways of playing compared to other children without autism *Single focus for long periods of time *Do not smile or lie being hugged *Higher sensitivity to bright lights and sound *Usually no response is visible when addressed *Less pain sensitivity as compared to others Treatments for Autism continue to be studied.
The goal is to discover a treatment to cure or at least reduce the symptoms of Autism.
Some of the studies undertaken have shown that hereditary or genetic factors may have played a role in the condition.
Additionally, it has been seen that there are more boys, than girls affected by this neurological disorder.
Although there are numerous centers for autistic children all over the country, if you have a child that is autistic or know someone who has, it is best to seek assistance from a non-profit organization or a child development center.
To diagnose the condition professionally requires a few specific tests including blood lead test, evaluation of hearing and a basic screen test for Autism which only a licensed and qualified physician can do.

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