Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Vs Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Which is the Right Diet Plan For You?
Two of the most popular online diet plans today are Fat Loss 4 Idiots and Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle.
Both have sold thousands of copies all around the world and have raving reviews and platoons of devoted users.
But which is the right program for you? Which will give you the best return on your investment, time, and effort? It all depends on your goals and the time and energy at your disposal.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots allows you to lose weight very quickly with a minimum amount of exercise or none at all.
It is based entirely on nutrition.
But Fat Loss 4 Idiots will not develop your muscles or increase your fitness levels.
It is a pure weight loss diet plan.
But if you want to lose a bunch of lbs.
in a hurry before a wedding, a party, or because summer is near, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the diet for you.
On the other hand, if you can spare the time to go to the gym, workout and follow a diet plan, Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle is the diet plan for you.
Bear in mind, it will probably go a bit slower than Fat Loss 4 Idiots, but it will also get you fitter.
It all depends on your goals: for a fast weight loss I'd go with Fat Loss 4 Idiots.
If you want to get fit and maybe develop some muscles in the process, I'd go with Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle.
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle takes up a lot more of your time because you need to workout.
So, if you have a busy schedule and can't make it to the gym 2,3 times a week at least, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the way to go.
To recap:
Both have sold thousands of copies all around the world and have raving reviews and platoons of devoted users.
But which is the right program for you? Which will give you the best return on your investment, time, and effort? It all depends on your goals and the time and energy at your disposal.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots allows you to lose weight very quickly with a minimum amount of exercise or none at all.
It is based entirely on nutrition.
But Fat Loss 4 Idiots will not develop your muscles or increase your fitness levels.
It is a pure weight loss diet plan.
But if you want to lose a bunch of lbs.
in a hurry before a wedding, a party, or because summer is near, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the diet for you.
On the other hand, if you can spare the time to go to the gym, workout and follow a diet plan, Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle is the diet plan for you.
Bear in mind, it will probably go a bit slower than Fat Loss 4 Idiots, but it will also get you fitter.
It all depends on your goals: for a fast weight loss I'd go with Fat Loss 4 Idiots.
If you want to get fit and maybe develop some muscles in the process, I'd go with Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle.
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle takes up a lot more of your time because you need to workout.
So, if you have a busy schedule and can't make it to the gym 2,3 times a week at least, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the way to go.
To recap:
- For a fast weight loss without exercise go with Fat Loss 4 Idiots.
- To get fit and lose weight at the same time, but with regular exercise, go with Burn The Fat Feed the Muscle.