Technology Software

A Complete Microsoft Works 8 Review

Microsoft Works 8 is a productivity pack that includes a spreadsheet, word processor, database, templates, and various other office style applications.
The applications are easy for home users to figure out in this all-in-one pack.
There are also recovery and backup features with Microsoft Works 8 which many users find handy.
The user can set the document to automatically save itself every ten minutes or so just in case his or her PC unexpectedly crashes.
The word processor in Microsoft Works 8 offers columns, tables, spell check, footnotes, endnotes, various fonts, and more.
It also provides calendars for every family member and a photo album program that can print every individual picture.
There are many people that still consider Adobe Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro superior to Microsoft Works 8.
The Microsoft Works 8 dictionary and thesaurus seems to be its best features.
The dictionary and thesaurus options are user friendly.
All the user has to do is highlight the word(s) in question, and then click on the dictionary icon in the standard toolbar.
A small pop up window will come up with definitions for the word.
If the user needs synonyms or antonyms, all he or she has to do is click on the thesaurus icon for suggestions.
The Microsoft Works 8 spreadsheet supports approximately seventy functions.
The functions are hard for beginners to grasp though, so the Works spreadsheet is more ideal for skilled users.
Many skilled users are reportedly disappointed with Microsoft Works 8 spreadsheet functions.
The spreadsheet is probably the worst feature for Works 8.
At the time of its release, there wasn't much troubleshooting help available for Microsoft Works 8.
Luckily there is more help available now for users to get a better understanding of Works 8.
There are now informative tutorials that can be found on Microsoft web sites for Works 8.

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