Best Natural Treatment For Bleeding Hemorrhoids
The treatment for bleeding hemorrhoid varies from medical to natural.
If you are looking for information on the natural treatment for this condition, you definitely came to the right place.
But before we go immediately to that topic, let us try to find out more about this condition and what seems to be causing it.
What are hemorrhoids? This is the clinical term that refers to the inflamed veins found in the anus region or the lower rectum area.
I have heard old folks say that this is caused by eating too much spicy foods.
This is untrue, of course.
This is actually a condition that happens when a person is straining the passage of stool.
Primarily, this is the cause.
But in other cases, it may be caused by factors such as aging, frequent bouts of constipation and diarrhea, pregnancy or anal intercourse.
This is not a rare problem.
In fact, half the people over the age of 50 experience this problem.
And this is also a common occurrence for pregnant women.
This happens because there is a fetal pressure coupled with changes in the hormones and this leads to the enlargements of vessels around the affected area.
What are the symptoms? Although many people have this condition, it does not exhibit tell-tale symptoms all the time.
The most common symptom is the blood that covers the stool.
This is the bleeding internal hemorrhoids.
There may also be pain, itching and irritation in the affected area.
This is not actually life threatening.
In fact, it can go away on its own in a matter of days even without treatment.
What are the treatments? Although the symptoms will go away on its own, you can always use a couple of treatments to help ease up the discomfort.
You can try taking warm tub baths a few times a day to help provide relief.
Eating fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables can also help so that you will not frequently strain the passing of stool.
Moreover, you can use some natural herbal treatment for bleeding hemorrhoid.
You can try applying the juice or gel of Aloe Vera on the anal area.
This is to relieve the pain and to lessen the bleeding.
Try applying Yarrow tea on the affected area several times a day.
The warmth from the tea helps ease up the pain and discomfort to provide internal relief.
This will then reduce the bleeding.
You can try an herbal remedy called goldenseal in topical form.
Apply it on the area affected.
Witch Hazel can also be of use to shrink the swollen veins.
Eating foods with garlic or cayenne can help you internally.
It can also relieve the pain caused by this problem.
If you are looking for information on the natural treatment for this condition, you definitely came to the right place.
But before we go immediately to that topic, let us try to find out more about this condition and what seems to be causing it.
What are hemorrhoids? This is the clinical term that refers to the inflamed veins found in the anus region or the lower rectum area.
I have heard old folks say that this is caused by eating too much spicy foods.
This is untrue, of course.
This is actually a condition that happens when a person is straining the passage of stool.
Primarily, this is the cause.
But in other cases, it may be caused by factors such as aging, frequent bouts of constipation and diarrhea, pregnancy or anal intercourse.
This is not a rare problem.
In fact, half the people over the age of 50 experience this problem.
And this is also a common occurrence for pregnant women.
This happens because there is a fetal pressure coupled with changes in the hormones and this leads to the enlargements of vessels around the affected area.
What are the symptoms? Although many people have this condition, it does not exhibit tell-tale symptoms all the time.
The most common symptom is the blood that covers the stool.
This is the bleeding internal hemorrhoids.
There may also be pain, itching and irritation in the affected area.
This is not actually life threatening.
In fact, it can go away on its own in a matter of days even without treatment.
What are the treatments? Although the symptoms will go away on its own, you can always use a couple of treatments to help ease up the discomfort.
You can try taking warm tub baths a few times a day to help provide relief.
Eating fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables can also help so that you will not frequently strain the passing of stool.
Moreover, you can use some natural herbal treatment for bleeding hemorrhoid.
You can try applying the juice or gel of Aloe Vera on the anal area.
This is to relieve the pain and to lessen the bleeding.
Try applying Yarrow tea on the affected area several times a day.
The warmth from the tea helps ease up the pain and discomfort to provide internal relief.
This will then reduce the bleeding.
You can try an herbal remedy called goldenseal in topical form.
Apply it on the area affected.
Witch Hazel can also be of use to shrink the swollen veins.
Eating foods with garlic or cayenne can help you internally.
It can also relieve the pain caused by this problem.