Family & Relationships Weddings

A Brother"s Wedding Speech

The brother wedding speech and toasts should express heartfelt memories of the sibling getting married.
You should wish them good luck and possibly reference the missing father if that is why he is giving the speech.
If there is no deceased or missing father that should not be including in the speech.
Try to bring to mind some of the outstanding qualities of the sibling.
You definitely want to remind the attendees of any military service or outstanding citations awarded.
At the end of the speech, there should be a toast to both the bride and groom.
As an example, this speech would be appropriate for use.
My sister has always been my idol.
In High School, she was the team captain of two sports.
She made the honor roll each semester.
Everyone admired her.
Growing up, when it was mom's birthday, she was the first one up in the morning to get breakfast started so we could serve her breakfast in bed.
She went to Iraq and came home a decorated hero.
Women who served with her saw the good in her and respected her leadership.
If my dad were alive, he would be so proud of her.
When she introduced her fiancé to the family, we were happy for her.
I want everyone to know that my sister is the best sister in the world.
There are a few good women left and my sister is one, she is my hero.
Please raise your glass with me.
Here's to the bride and groom, Salute! Enjoy writing the speech and make sure you mention positive things that happened throughout the life of your sibling.
Remember, this is their day and everything should be about them and their life before the wedding day.
Make it memorable, historic and from the heart.

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