Exploring The Top 5 Conditions That Cause Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids or piles are a kind of health problem that no one of us wants to have.
Unfortunately, it is now becoming a common occurrence among the general population.
Therefore, if you have hemorrhoids, it is indeed critical to learn what these hemorrhoids are and how to get rid of them in the first place.
There are a number of specific symptoms and signs to look for to enable you to be alert if you need treatment or not.
In this article, I am going to discuss a little bit about what hemorrhoids are and what causes them.
What are hemorrhoids? When you search from books and internet websites, you will see how hemorrhoids look like from various pictures.
Hemorrhoids are characterized as swollen veins around the anus or inside the rectum.
Hemorrhoids can be extremely unpleasant and painful for many of its patients.
Fortunately, hemorrhoids can be treated and prevented.
There are two types of hemorrhoids.
The first type is the internal hemorrhoids, which involve the veins inside the rectum and do not usually hurt but may bleed without too much pain.
The second is external type of hemorrhoids, which can be found in the veins outside the anus.
This type can become itchy and painful.
What causes hemorrhoids? What causes hemorrhoids and how do they develop? Well, hemorrhoids are actually caused by increased pressure on the pelvic veins and rectal areas.
When you push too hard or strain during bowel movements, you exert extra pressure, which causes veins in the area to bulge.
This situation eventually leads to dilation of veins and when this happens, hemorrhoids begin to develop.
Certainly, many factors contribute to hemorrhoids formation such as the following: • Chronic Constipation When it comes to the causes of hemorrhoids, constipation tops the list.
This is considered as major symptom of hemorrhoids since constipated persons are more susceptible to consistently strain in passing their stools, which results to the increase of pressure and causes the weakening of tissues.
These tissues provide support by holding the veins.
Hence, if these supporting tissues become so weak, they can no longer hold and support the veins properly which causes the veins to swell.
• Diarrhea Excessive rounds of diarrhea ca as well lead to straining in the rectal area.
Furthermore, frequent going to toilets can make your anus moist all the time that can result to irritation of the skin.
• Pregnancy Women can get hemorrhoids during the final trimester of their pregnancy.
Hemorrhoids can be an outcome of the increased pressure that the growing fetus puts on the veins in the pelvic area.
In addition, when a woman is having a labor, she exerts too much pressure to push the baby out and this can aggravate hemorrhoids.
• Heredity Some people are genetically predisposed to hemorrhoids and we could not do anything about it.
If you have relatives who have family history of having hemorrhoids or colorectal cancer and at the same time, you suffer from its symptoms, it is recommended to see your doctor and have yourself checked.
The risk of having hemorrhoids or other serious ailments is higher because of family history.
Nevertheless, sports activities, proper nutrition and relaxation can somehow reduce chances of having hemorrhoids and other anal disorders.
• Being Overweight or Obese If s person is obese, he or she is overweight for sure.
Therefore, excess weight may increase pressure on pelvic veins.
It is then suggested that overweight persons must remove their excess weight to decrease their chances of acquiring hemorrhoids.
Unfortunately, it is now becoming a common occurrence among the general population.
Therefore, if you have hemorrhoids, it is indeed critical to learn what these hemorrhoids are and how to get rid of them in the first place.
There are a number of specific symptoms and signs to look for to enable you to be alert if you need treatment or not.
In this article, I am going to discuss a little bit about what hemorrhoids are and what causes them.
What are hemorrhoids? When you search from books and internet websites, you will see how hemorrhoids look like from various pictures.
Hemorrhoids are characterized as swollen veins around the anus or inside the rectum.
Hemorrhoids can be extremely unpleasant and painful for many of its patients.
Fortunately, hemorrhoids can be treated and prevented.
There are two types of hemorrhoids.
The first type is the internal hemorrhoids, which involve the veins inside the rectum and do not usually hurt but may bleed without too much pain.
The second is external type of hemorrhoids, which can be found in the veins outside the anus.
This type can become itchy and painful.
What causes hemorrhoids? What causes hemorrhoids and how do they develop? Well, hemorrhoids are actually caused by increased pressure on the pelvic veins and rectal areas.
When you push too hard or strain during bowel movements, you exert extra pressure, which causes veins in the area to bulge.
This situation eventually leads to dilation of veins and when this happens, hemorrhoids begin to develop.
Certainly, many factors contribute to hemorrhoids formation such as the following: • Chronic Constipation When it comes to the causes of hemorrhoids, constipation tops the list.
This is considered as major symptom of hemorrhoids since constipated persons are more susceptible to consistently strain in passing their stools, which results to the increase of pressure and causes the weakening of tissues.
These tissues provide support by holding the veins.
Hence, if these supporting tissues become so weak, they can no longer hold and support the veins properly which causes the veins to swell.
• Diarrhea Excessive rounds of diarrhea ca as well lead to straining in the rectal area.
Furthermore, frequent going to toilets can make your anus moist all the time that can result to irritation of the skin.
• Pregnancy Women can get hemorrhoids during the final trimester of their pregnancy.
Hemorrhoids can be an outcome of the increased pressure that the growing fetus puts on the veins in the pelvic area.
In addition, when a woman is having a labor, she exerts too much pressure to push the baby out and this can aggravate hemorrhoids.
• Heredity Some people are genetically predisposed to hemorrhoids and we could not do anything about it.
If you have relatives who have family history of having hemorrhoids or colorectal cancer and at the same time, you suffer from its symptoms, it is recommended to see your doctor and have yourself checked.
The risk of having hemorrhoids or other serious ailments is higher because of family history.
Nevertheless, sports activities, proper nutrition and relaxation can somehow reduce chances of having hemorrhoids and other anal disorders.
• Being Overweight or Obese If s person is obese, he or she is overweight for sure.
Therefore, excess weight may increase pressure on pelvic veins.
It is then suggested that overweight persons must remove their excess weight to decrease their chances of acquiring hemorrhoids.