The Best Birthday Surprise Ideas Ever
- Before you implement this, make sure it's something the birthday girl would actually enjoy. Some people really resent surprise birthday parties. Convince the birthday girl for weeks in advance that you have forgotten her birthday. Get all of her friends to go along with your scheme and throw an elaborate party. Have the party at a house or banquet hall. You will need help getting the guest of honor there and in proper attire. There are ways to keep the extent of the occasion secret. Offer to take the birthday girl to dinner at an upscale restaurant and then veer away from the restaurant to the party destination.
- Get the birthday boy exactly what he wants. Whether he is vocal or not about his birthday dream wishes, it isn't hard to figure out what his heart desires. Deduce what he might enjoy during shopping sessions, or on outings in which you drive past somewhere or something that catches his eye. If you want to make the birthday truly the best one ever, go for the over-the-top gift such as a car or entertainment system.
- Send the birthday girl on her dream vacation with a plus one. Most people have a list of places they would love to see, given the opportunity. Jump at this chance and schedule the vacation she has been dying to take. Pay for the flight and the vacation stay. Provide spending money if you can. If not encourage others to go in on the gift with you.
- Some birthday boys are less concerned with presents such as clothing or drinks and are more worried about paying off bills and getting out of debt. Compile as much money as you can between friends and family. Try to raise a substantial amount of money for the cause. Make the next birthday one that he won't forget by getting him a present that he actually needs.