Home Beer Brewing - 3 Steps For a Successful Brew
To begin brewing your own beer at home there are 3 essential requirements for a successful brew: 1.
Equipment There is some basic equipment required to make the whole process easier: oA Fermentor: a food-grade plastic barrell is best, about 6 gallons (23 litres).
You will be able to find one at most hardware stores or restaurant supply stores.
oAirlock: This will allow gas to escape the fermentor during fermentation, without letting outside air in.
This will prevent the beer being contaminated by airborne bacteria.
oThermometer: The thermometer must be able to be immersed in liquid and withstand temperatures of 150F.
oBottles: You will require something to put the beer in after fermentation.
Plastic pop type bottles work, or you can get glass bottles and a bottle capper.
I can remember friends and I drinking 3 cartons of beer to get a sufficient number of bottles for our first beer batch! While you may be able to find all these products separately, there are many home brew kits that are now sold that has everything you need to get started.
One of the best I have found is "Coopers".
Please note that if you live in a cold climate you may need a heating mat so you can maintain the appropriate temperature required during fermentation.
Ingredients The four basic ingredients needed to make your own hombrew are: Water, Wort, Yeast, and Sugar (Dextrose).
Many supermarkets will sell the different Works mixtures saving you time and energy trying to prepare your own.
These packs will usually come with the most appropriate yeast.
In my home brewing experience it is best to use dextrose sugar and spring water.
There are plenty of recipes on the internet.
Make sure you go through all this free information.
There are many ingredients you can add to your brew to create unique flavours.
The Essential Component The most important step in the entire process is ensure all equipment is sterile.
This means killing all bacteria that could be on the equipment used in the beer making process.
If bacteria is able to survive in the mixture they will destroy the yeast and eat the sugars essentially destroying your beer.
Therefore it is essential that every piece of equipment is cleaned with a sanitizing solution every time you use it.
This includes the bottles you will be using following fermentation.
Home beer brewing is a rewarding hobby with great advantages.
There are 3 basic steps to creating your first brew.
Make sure you have the correct equipment, find the best ingredients and review recipes on the internet, and ensure all equipment is appropriately sanitized.
Equipment There is some basic equipment required to make the whole process easier: oA Fermentor: a food-grade plastic barrell is best, about 6 gallons (23 litres).
You will be able to find one at most hardware stores or restaurant supply stores.
oAirlock: This will allow gas to escape the fermentor during fermentation, without letting outside air in.
This will prevent the beer being contaminated by airborne bacteria.
oThermometer: The thermometer must be able to be immersed in liquid and withstand temperatures of 150F.
oBottles: You will require something to put the beer in after fermentation.
Plastic pop type bottles work, or you can get glass bottles and a bottle capper.
I can remember friends and I drinking 3 cartons of beer to get a sufficient number of bottles for our first beer batch! While you may be able to find all these products separately, there are many home brew kits that are now sold that has everything you need to get started.
One of the best I have found is "Coopers".
Please note that if you live in a cold climate you may need a heating mat so you can maintain the appropriate temperature required during fermentation.
Ingredients The four basic ingredients needed to make your own hombrew are: Water, Wort, Yeast, and Sugar (Dextrose).
Many supermarkets will sell the different Works mixtures saving you time and energy trying to prepare your own.
These packs will usually come with the most appropriate yeast.
In my home brewing experience it is best to use dextrose sugar and spring water.
There are plenty of recipes on the internet.
Make sure you go through all this free information.
There are many ingredients you can add to your brew to create unique flavours.
The Essential Component The most important step in the entire process is ensure all equipment is sterile.
This means killing all bacteria that could be on the equipment used in the beer making process.
If bacteria is able to survive in the mixture they will destroy the yeast and eat the sugars essentially destroying your beer.
Therefore it is essential that every piece of equipment is cleaned with a sanitizing solution every time you use it.
This includes the bottles you will be using following fermentation.
Home beer brewing is a rewarding hobby with great advantages.
There are 3 basic steps to creating your first brew.
Make sure you have the correct equipment, find the best ingredients and review recipes on the internet, and ensure all equipment is appropriately sanitized.