Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

What Exactly Are Hemorrhoids?

What are hemorrhoids you ask? Hemorrhoids is a disease that takes place when your veins located in the anus get swollen.
  Everyone has hemorrhoids actually; they are present to everyone but only cause a problem to some.
  About hemorrhoids that become a problem to some, this becomes a dilemma when the rectum veins are starting to swell and also itch, when pain and burning sensations are felt.
  The symptoms for hemorrhoids include bleeding while in the process of bowel removal or after, the formation of lumps in your anus area and also by the rectum area.
You may wonder now, after knowing what are hemorrhoids, what causes these hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids actually become a problem to you when too much pressure is given or applied to the rectum area as you pass your stool.
  This will cause your veins to be strained and to swell, which clearly will result to a problem.
There are actually two different types about hemorrhoids that you ought to know about.
  The first hemorrhoids are the internal hemorrhoids and the second one is known as the external hemorrhoids.
  The common symptoms of both types of hemorrhoids are actually common.
  The bleeding of the internal hemorrhoids however, is distinct since bleeding from the inside of the rectum happens.
  As the patient sits on the toilet, trying to remove his or her bowel, bright red blood will flow down from the patient's anus.
  It will of course be frightening and alarming for the patient who is in such condition.
  As time passes by, you may notice this bright red blood to turn into a dark red blood, this indicates that the injury in your anus area is getting worse and is deepening in terms of severity.
  This will most likely occur when swollen veins are scratched.
  Of course, excessive bleeding will be alarming and dangerous! As to the external hemorrhoids on the other hand, the condition or severity will be of lesser hazard or danger compared to the one of the internal hemorrhoids .
  But the intensity of the pain that the patient will feel will be no different.
  The symptoms for the external hemorrhoids are the swelling, the itching and pain, and the formation of lumps in your anal area.
  There are several treatments to hemorrhoids which are now available to the patients.
  Home remedies may even work for some, with simple and easy methods are involved.
  For the fast feel of relief, you may want to apply plants like aloe vera or oils like almond or olive oils for example, just right about around the anus area.
  Soaking into warm water of the affected area will also be highly effective for most patients.

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