Prius Hybrid Driving Strategies
- With the Prius, the best gas mileage comes at slower speeds, and the car generally performs better in cities rather than on the highway. This means you should slow down whenever possible. You should also use cruise control whenever you have the chance. Maintaining your car at 55 mph on the highway (which you can easily do using cruise control) will greatly improve your mpg. Cruise control is especially effective for flat driving, whereas you should avoid using it on hilly terrain. Do you best to avoid driving in heavy traffic, where the Prius is decidedly less fuel efficient.
- A standard rule of thumb when driving your Prius is to be less aggressive. This means anticipating stops and braking gradually. Don't slam on the breaks unless it's necessary, obviously to avoid hitting a pedestrian or another vehicle. Your goal should be to glide whenever possible, especially if you're going down a hill. Make good use of gravity and allow the car to move forward without using gas. Use the "B" gear when going down hills, as this will slow down the engine and conserve energy. When traveling on a flat plain above 20 mph, lightly press the accelerator and increase gradually as necessary. This will allow a balanced energy flow into the hybrid battery and the wheels.
- There are other small but important ways to conserve energy in your Prius. Always turn off your air conditioning if you don't absolutely need it. Air conditioning sucks energy from the car and makes your engine work harder. Avoid the MAX setting whenever possible. If you plan to park the car for under 10 minutes, leave it running. The Prius functions best when it has already been running for 20 minutes or so, and restarting the car will only start the cycle over again. Also, maintain the maximum recommended tire pressure at all times.