Ogre Gods - Part 7 - Conclusion
At the start of this series of articles on ogre gods, in part one, I asked several questions about the nature of God and whether or not the questions were warranted? I also asked if unsaved mankind in general had the right to think of God in such a negative way.
For my last article I will quickly answer these questions just in case I have not already done so in Ogre gods - parts two to six.
Is God just waiting to judge 99% of mankind and destroy, or worse torment, all in a lake of fire for eternity? This is a subject that requires a series of articles in its own right and which I will address soon.
In the meantime be encouraged that this image of God is as big a lie as the trinity god lie itself.
This trinity ogre god, that wants to torture men and women in fiery torment for eternity, does not exist.
This god, is a man made creation and its origins are from the magical and mystical, evil vain imaginings of men.
Men who have corrupted Holy Scriptures to satisfy and meet their personal agendas, rather than God's agenda.
This was and is done to keep those who believe them in a state of fear, captivity and slavery.
This fear based message is used universally by 'Christians' to more or less blackmail and bludgeon people into believing - if you don't believe you're going to hell is their mantra - sound familiar? It holds billions of deceived people in its fear based grip - there's no good news (the Gospel), there's no Grace and there's no freedom and most importantly, there is no mature relationship with Jesus Christ as a brother and friend either.
As I said, I will be expounding further on this important topic soon.
Is God a tyrant? Is God strict? Is God always wrathful and angry? These three questions can be answered in one go - no, no and no is the answer.
God is only a tyrant if you listen to people who will readily tell you He is, and they are all liars.
They lie about the nature of God i.
that He is a closed trinity and they also lie when they tell you God is one.
If they lie about these most important of topics, you can bet your life they will lie about everything else.
Again, God is only strict if you fall foul of those who will tell you He is strict.
How do they do that? Easy, they will tell you, you must obey; you must obey the Ten Commandments - you must obey this and you must obey that - where is the freedom under Grace? They will then tell you that if you are not into their self-improvement programme or daily cleansing or getting right with God or having your quiet time or making sure you are 'getting enough Jesus' then you're not going to make it.
It's their 21st century version of Law keeping as instructed by God through Moses on Mount Sinai and you will never enter the Kingdom of God unless you're obeying their 21st century Mosaic rules.
They will tell you that even though Jesus Christ did it all at the cross for you and me, He actually didn't do it all.
To them, He only did half the job.
To them, He did it all and then said now you must do it too and under your own steam and strength.
These people will actually tell you The Law was not nailed to the cross and it's all down to us to obey the Ten Commandments - obey the Law - their law!! Never mind that the Law is now written on our hearts, that's just a by the by to these people! Their blasphemies of blasphemies will most assuredly be their undoing and yours if you listen to them!!! I will be writing a series of articles on 'obedience' soon, yet another mistaught and misunderstood subject, so watch this space 'cos your Spiritual welfare is at stake.
Is God always wrathful and angry? If He was, you would sure know about it and soon this world is going to know about it, but I am not going to get into prophecy in this article.
Yes God does get angry at times, in fact, He gets angry every day and with good reason, just as any good parent would when their child misbehaves.
In other words He corrects in love and does nothing unjust but rather out of love for us His creation.
He certainly doesn't get angry with those He has called to His son - the Chosen and the Elect.
Does God hate mankind? No, if He did He would not have sent His Son to die an evil death, that we may be forgiven our sins and have eternal life in the Kingdomof God.
Please note, not in heaven, The Kingdom of God will be here on this earth, for a thousand years and then in the new heaven and new earth, which will come down out of heaven.
Revelation Chapters 20; 21 and 22.
Is God really in charge?Yes, but He does allow the Devil to rule this age on earth.
The Devil is the god of this world (age or system) and man has followed him since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, but the Devil can do no more than God allows.
Read the story of Job to get an idea of the 'arrangement', for want of a better word, between God and the Devil.
Does God have rules and standards that are impossible to live up to? Yes, because man is not capable of keeping God's Law, that's why He sent His Son Jesus Christ to this earth.
He did this so that The Father could draw those He had chosen, (those predestined) to His Son - The Elect.
Jesus Christ came to give mankind the opportunity to be His friends and brothers as Sons of God and be partakers of Spiritual perfection - literally, members of His family.
Perfection can only be attained through belief in Jesus Christ, no one else and not through any amount of Law keeping and all those things I have listed above.
Is God a killjoy and unjust? No, not at all, how can a God who is Love be unjust - it's impossible? He is unjust and a killjoy though if you believe someone else and what he says about God, just as Adam and Eve did.
It's as simple as that - who do you believe, God The Truth or the lies of the Devil? Does God love to punish mankind - us, His creation? No, he hates it and anyone who doubts this Truth I suggest you read the Book of Hosea in the OT.
This moving passage of Holy Scripture is where God pleads with the northern Kingdom of Israel to turn from their evil ways and repent so that He doesn't have to punish them.
Unfortunately, they were not listening and into Assyrian captivity they went.
140 years later the same fate befell the southern Kingdom of Judah (the Jews).
They too went into captivity, courtesy of the Babylonians, and like Israel before them they ignored all God's fatherly warnings.
Is God evil, for there are some who say that He is? No, definitely not, and I will be dealing with this subject in greater detail in a separate article - Did God create evil? - Coming soon.
Finally, Is God and ogre? No! God is Good and God is Love, Mercy and Forgiveness.
I hope this series of articles has been of help in setting you free from religion and the worship of ogre gods.
For my last article I will quickly answer these questions just in case I have not already done so in Ogre gods - parts two to six.
Is God just waiting to judge 99% of mankind and destroy, or worse torment, all in a lake of fire for eternity? This is a subject that requires a series of articles in its own right and which I will address soon.
In the meantime be encouraged that this image of God is as big a lie as the trinity god lie itself.
This trinity ogre god, that wants to torture men and women in fiery torment for eternity, does not exist.
This god, is a man made creation and its origins are from the magical and mystical, evil vain imaginings of men.
Men who have corrupted Holy Scriptures to satisfy and meet their personal agendas, rather than God's agenda.
This was and is done to keep those who believe them in a state of fear, captivity and slavery.
This fear based message is used universally by 'Christians' to more or less blackmail and bludgeon people into believing - if you don't believe you're going to hell is their mantra - sound familiar? It holds billions of deceived people in its fear based grip - there's no good news (the Gospel), there's no Grace and there's no freedom and most importantly, there is no mature relationship with Jesus Christ as a brother and friend either.
As I said, I will be expounding further on this important topic soon.
Is God a tyrant? Is God strict? Is God always wrathful and angry? These three questions can be answered in one go - no, no and no is the answer.
God is only a tyrant if you listen to people who will readily tell you He is, and they are all liars.
They lie about the nature of God i.
that He is a closed trinity and they also lie when they tell you God is one.
If they lie about these most important of topics, you can bet your life they will lie about everything else.
Again, God is only strict if you fall foul of those who will tell you He is strict.
How do they do that? Easy, they will tell you, you must obey; you must obey the Ten Commandments - you must obey this and you must obey that - where is the freedom under Grace? They will then tell you that if you are not into their self-improvement programme or daily cleansing or getting right with God or having your quiet time or making sure you are 'getting enough Jesus' then you're not going to make it.
It's their 21st century version of Law keeping as instructed by God through Moses on Mount Sinai and you will never enter the Kingdom of God unless you're obeying their 21st century Mosaic rules.
They will tell you that even though Jesus Christ did it all at the cross for you and me, He actually didn't do it all.
To them, He only did half the job.
To them, He did it all and then said now you must do it too and under your own steam and strength.
These people will actually tell you The Law was not nailed to the cross and it's all down to us to obey the Ten Commandments - obey the Law - their law!! Never mind that the Law is now written on our hearts, that's just a by the by to these people! Their blasphemies of blasphemies will most assuredly be their undoing and yours if you listen to them!!! I will be writing a series of articles on 'obedience' soon, yet another mistaught and misunderstood subject, so watch this space 'cos your Spiritual welfare is at stake.
Is God always wrathful and angry? If He was, you would sure know about it and soon this world is going to know about it, but I am not going to get into prophecy in this article.
Yes God does get angry at times, in fact, He gets angry every day and with good reason, just as any good parent would when their child misbehaves.
In other words He corrects in love and does nothing unjust but rather out of love for us His creation.
He certainly doesn't get angry with those He has called to His son - the Chosen and the Elect.
Does God hate mankind? No, if He did He would not have sent His Son to die an evil death, that we may be forgiven our sins and have eternal life in the Kingdomof God.
Please note, not in heaven, The Kingdom of God will be here on this earth, for a thousand years and then in the new heaven and new earth, which will come down out of heaven.
Revelation Chapters 20; 21 and 22.
Is God really in charge?Yes, but He does allow the Devil to rule this age on earth.
The Devil is the god of this world (age or system) and man has followed him since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, but the Devil can do no more than God allows.
Read the story of Job to get an idea of the 'arrangement', for want of a better word, between God and the Devil.
Does God have rules and standards that are impossible to live up to? Yes, because man is not capable of keeping God's Law, that's why He sent His Son Jesus Christ to this earth.
He did this so that The Father could draw those He had chosen, (those predestined) to His Son - The Elect.
Jesus Christ came to give mankind the opportunity to be His friends and brothers as Sons of God and be partakers of Spiritual perfection - literally, members of His family.
Perfection can only be attained through belief in Jesus Christ, no one else and not through any amount of Law keeping and all those things I have listed above.
Is God a killjoy and unjust? No, not at all, how can a God who is Love be unjust - it's impossible? He is unjust and a killjoy though if you believe someone else and what he says about God, just as Adam and Eve did.
It's as simple as that - who do you believe, God The Truth or the lies of the Devil? Does God love to punish mankind - us, His creation? No, he hates it and anyone who doubts this Truth I suggest you read the Book of Hosea in the OT.
This moving passage of Holy Scripture is where God pleads with the northern Kingdom of Israel to turn from their evil ways and repent so that He doesn't have to punish them.
Unfortunately, they were not listening and into Assyrian captivity they went.
140 years later the same fate befell the southern Kingdom of Judah (the Jews).
They too went into captivity, courtesy of the Babylonians, and like Israel before them they ignored all God's fatherly warnings.
Is God evil, for there are some who say that He is? No, definitely not, and I will be dealing with this subject in greater detail in a separate article - Did God create evil? - Coming soon.
Finally, Is God and ogre? No! God is Good and God is Love, Mercy and Forgiveness.
I hope this series of articles has been of help in setting you free from religion and the worship of ogre gods.