Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

What Everyone Ought to Know About Hemorrhoid Relief Options

Almost one in 5 people in the US experience piles at least once in their lives.
Piles or hemorrhoids can come and go, but to some people, it can be a cause of more serious medical conditions such as anal fissures, rectal bleeding and thrombosis.
Some forms of hemorrhoids, particularly those that form internally may show nothing more than a few drops of blood in the stool matter, and natural hemorrhoid relief options can be taken as part of the diet.
However, internal hemorrhoids may protrude outside the rectal and become irritated through bowel straining.
Eventually, this becomes quite painful and prone to recur.
There are also external hemorrhoids, or piles that form lumps outside the rectal area, particularly exhibiting itself as hard lumps or small painful swellings around the anus or the sphincter of the anus.
Often, these lumps or swellings become blood clots that lead to thrombosis, or the obstruction of the blood flow to the circulatory system due to blood clotting.
In such a case, more serious forms of medical attention are needed as opposed to just temporary hemorrhoid relief options.
The worst thing about having piles is that it creates a vicious cycle of pain and irritation.
Once the lump or swelling develops, it tends to affect bowel movement, making the passing of fecal matter a lengthy and aching affair.
This in turn, makes the affected area become more irritated, causing more blood to clot in the region.
The bigger the clot, the harder and more sensitive the hemorrhoid becomes; the more difficult it is to pass stool out of the system.
And this continues on and on and on.
Fortunately, for the milder cases, there are non-invasive, non-surgical hemorrhoid relief options.
Some of these include localized treatments like cold compress on the affected area, warm sitz baths, and on many occasions, the application of topical analgesic or suppositories can ease discomfort and swelling.
Bidets or Extendable shower heads can help keep the affected region clean.
This minimizes the chance of further irritating the piles and keeping the swelling down to a minimum.
However, for people with painful bulges, sitting in warm sitz baths can afford one of the best hemorrhoid relief options.
Sitz baths or hip baths is somewhat similar to bidets in construction; but this time, the person has to soak the affected area for several minutes (10 to 20 minutes,) depending on the relief needed.
Warm water with non-saline solution works well for painful piles.
The application of topical solutions like Nupercainal, or suppositories like Faktu and Proctosedyl can also help in relieving the discomfort caused by piles.
However, doctors are now cautioning against the excessive use of hemorrhoid creams.
Hemorrhoid creams were quite popular few years back because they do ease the discomfort considerably.
But one of the main ingredients of these creams is steroids; and it has been found that steroids causes the skin, muscles and veins to become more prone to breakage and clotting.
In the long run, the excessive use of hemorrhoid creams can only make this medical condition a more complicated one.

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