Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Know All About Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty (usually known as a "nose job) may be a top choice of patients having plastic surgery in New York City.

This is often probably due to the selection of shapes and sizes noses come in. You may have a large nose, tiny nose, hooked nose, upturned nose… the probabilities are infinite. So it's no wonder a lot of individuals like the idea of molding their nose to a look they like the best.

Dr. Diktaban, hailed in New York as "the nose job expert," understands the process better than the almost any plastic surgeon. Did you know since there are so many intricacies to a good rhinoplasty, several plastic surgeons consider it their least preferred procedure? Dr. Diktaban, on the other hand, considers it one of his favorites and has received spectacular feedback time and time again from patients of all ages and backgrounds.

Let's talk slightly regarding the procedure.

Rhinoplasty for Teens

Thanks to networks like MTV, nose related plastic surgery in Long Island is broadly thought to be a "teen surgery."

It's true – several teens dislike the way their noses appear and would prefer to alter them.

At Dr. Diktaban's workplace, we recognize some data. Mainly, the teenage nose has a "development" stage. While that developmental stage ends, the shape of the nose continues to grow and change. Therefore, surgery before this point is not suggested, since the modifications done in surgery may be altered throughout additional growth. On top of this, you never know how your nose will turn out after the growth period, therefore if you're sad with the look now, it's worth it to wait it out.

So when does the development phase end? So, for girls, it ends anywhere around the ages of 13-14. For boys, it's later at around 16-17 years old. After these crucial years, you can be fairly confident the shape of your nose will stay reliable for the rest of your life. At this time, if you'd still prefer plastic surgery in New York City – Dr. Diktaban could perform rhinoplasty and give you the nose you've always wanted.

Rhinoplasty for Adults

Now, simply since the surgery's been hailed as a "teen surgery" doesn't signify it's inappropriate for adults. Far from it! Several adults are unsatisfied with the way their noses look, so looking into a nose related surgery is definitely acceptable. In several cases, it's also good for adults to get the surgery than teens. Adults have a better and more consistent plan on how they'd prefer their face to look. Therefore, any changes done throughout surgery have a good chance of continuing to look great years after the process is finished.

Note - this is not to say the look of your nose could change after the surgery – some patients' perceptions change after surgery. In many cases, this happens with people who get the surgery at a younger age.

With this type of surgery, it's important you get it done right the first time. That's why you should go with the doctor who's not only experienced in the procedure, but really enjoys it also! In fact, will you actually want a doctor operating on you who's simply going through the motions since it's a process they'd wish to avoid? We didn't think so!

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