Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Tips To Burn More Calories

Every one is running against the time! We have tonnes of work to be completed in 24 hours - household chores, fun time, work schedule, kids, partners, family, friends, hobbies and of course GYM! The good news is that people have realized the value of exercising daily and hitting the gym on a regular basis. The bad news is - they do not have much time! In such a situation, where you want to extract the maximum benefits from the short time, here are some tips to burn more calories in those 30-45 minutes you have for the gym!
Try doing Cardio first, even if it is a "weights" day today. Cardio always makes your heart beat go up which is great to burn more calories. Cardio has an after-burn effect for a couple of hours. So when you do weights, rest based etc. After cardio, the chances of you burning more calories than usual are high. Cardio pumps more blood which makes the heart beat faster - great for overall health also! Regular running, jogging after basic stretching is a great way to begin your exercise routine
Try to use your whole body when you start with cardio exercises. Usually running and biking are great but they use lower body mostly. Use some other gym equipments and make your heart beat faster by utilizing the entire body so that it cranks up your calorie burning process
Doing some Plyometric cardio routines crank up the calorie burning process even further. Cardio is not just jogging or running. You can do jumping jacks, hops etc. which are a little more intense than usual jogging. These high intensity cardio helps in burning further calories than usual
Have you noticed those equipments in the gym in which you can decide your "incline", "pace" etc. If you do 15 minutes of an intense incline at a higher pace than usual, your body pumps blood faster and heart races! This will ensure that for the rest of the hour, your body will burn more calories than usual
There are few other ways like listening to fast, upbeat music, doing interval training (weights and cardio combination) etc. by which it is possible to burn some extra calories in the stipulated time you have at the gym! Be focused and persevere - your efforts will pay off in the end!

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