Technology Networking & Internet

How to Insert HTML Into an Email Message

    • 1). Click "Compose" in your email program to open up a blank email message. Address the email as you normally would, and fill out the subject header and body as normal.

    • 2). Locate a free HTML tutorial. An excellent source of easy-to-absorb information is w3schools (see Resources section). From there you can learn the basics of HTML to better understand how to use it.

    • 3). Place your mouse's cursor at the bottom of your email message.

    • 4). Type in the following HTML code to create a flashy signature for your email: <html> <font size="3" face="comic sans" color="red"> <marquee> <center> </html></marquee></center>. Closing the tags is absolutely necessary to achieve any visual effect.

    • 5). Place your mouse's cursor directly after the <center> tag and before the </html> end tag, and type out the signature message of your choice. For example "Have a nice day" can be used to test the HTML.

    • 6). Click "Send." The recipient of the email should see a scrolling marquee of your signature directly beneath the body of your email.

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