Business & Finance Corporations

Is Content Still King? A Quick and Easy "Survival Guide" for Home Based Publishers Everywh

Is content still king?Or in our culture of quickening attention spans, 140 character social media messages and online marketing overload, has the art and science of creating KILLER content lost it's magical mojo? The truth is, not a day goes by that I don't read an article, or an expert opinion, that suggests that content is NOT the key to "owning eyeballs" in the online landscape.
And you don't need me to tell you that most of the online "guru's" want you to believe a few well placed tweets...
or Facebook friends, or even attending a seminar or two is the REAL key to creating a rock star persona, and the bank account that goes along with it.
I'm here to tell you that they're wrong..
:-) But I don't want you to take my word for it, instead..
just take a look at what Google has recently done to completely and utterly turn the whole online publishing marketplace on it's dizzy head.
With a few simple tweaks of it's amazing algorithmic muscle, the search engine giant has literally reshuffled the deck about WHAT and who it shows in it's results for thousands, if not millions of keywords, causing a massive fallout that has hurt publishers large and small alike.
(with industry experts believing even some of the MOST trafficked web sites in the world, and international brands being hurt the hardest) The sites that continue to rise to the top? Those that have UNIQUE, quality content that engages, informs, entertains and educates their readership..
PERIOD In my own business? The sites I have created with the most "care" are the ones that have benefitted the most.
Sites with lots of user created content, lots of community interaction and lots of very niche specific question and answer oriented articles have done the best.
Stuff that has been MOST affected by these changes for me?My affiliate oriented campaigns, or 2 or 3 page sites designed ONLY to sell something, and usually something that clearly I am NOT an expert on as well.
Here is a quick and easy "Survival Guide" that I use in myown business, that covers thousands of unique articles and millions of readers in tens of niches...
and hopefully it will serve you as well.
1 - Go DEEPER, rather than wider.
More authoritative content in ONE niche is better than a wider, more generalized site these days if you want to rank well in ONE specific area 2 - Link OUT liberally.
Share other resources...
even if they are your competition.
The search engines believe that the flow of information should take people "naturally' from one authority to another, and the more I share, the more "love" I seem to get back on those pages 3 - Use a blog, and update it regularly.
Hugely important for a ton of technical SEO reasons...
but mostly, in my view, because it allows your readership to involve, interact and engage with your content, your ethos, and your brand, and shows you have a site that is currently relevant.
(a good reason to use current events in your blog posts to boot) 4 - Incoming links MATTER.
And quality links are very important.
Look to develop REAL relationships with other publishers in your niche who will naturally link to your best content without reservation or for reward.
Don't focus on CONTRIVED methods for building links...
instead, focus on creating KILLER content instead.
Of course there is tons more - but this is a great start, and I truly believe if you focus, and get excited, there has never been a better time to be a PASSIONATE, and profitable, online publisher than today!

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