Health & Medical Anxiety

Biological, Environmental, Or a Combination of Both - What"s the Real Reason For Panic Attacks?

If you've never experienced a panic attack before, you may not realize what it is.
In fact, it's not uncommon for non-sufferers to tell panic attack sufferers to "suck it up" and "stop worrying".
However, all this is easier said and done.
The reason is because attacks come on suddenly, leaving the person with an immense amount of fear and anxiety.
They may have a racing heart, sweat and be short of breath along with a number of other symptoms.
It's still not known why a person may have these attacks; it could be a mixture of factors (biological and environmental) that may give an understanding to what causes anxiety and panic attacks.
Biological Reasons Genetics - Panic attack specialists have glanced at the different reasons as to why some people experience attacks and other people do not.
One thing they have considered is genetics.
After all, if eye color and hair color can be passed from the parents, why can't a panic disorder be passed down especially if the disorder is running in a family? It could be the person has a predisposition to these attacks.
Some sufferers may have family members who panic disorder or an emotional disorder.
Brain Abnormality - When a person has a panic disorder, it could be because the brain has changed the way it functions.
Studies have shown panic attacks often coincide with other psychotic disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder or schizophrenia.
It's highly probable that psychotic symptoms will lead to these attacks.
Psychotic episodes can predict the start of certain anxiety disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder.
Other research done implies that the body's natural response of fight or flight also coincides with panic attacks.
The body's alarm system is actually a system of physical and mental mechanisms that lets a person react to a threat like increased heart rate or breathing.
When a person is in torment because of an attack, feelings are triggered without reason even when there's no danger present.
It's still unclear as to why these attacks happen when the person has no immediate danger.
Stress - When a person is stressed out, they are at an increase risk for panic attacks.
The stress can come from any number of things such as a death in the family, divorce, job loss, home loss, etc.
Some researchers have learned that stress can lower your resistance level, which allows the fundamental physical predilection to kick in and cause a panic attack.
Environmental Reasons Addiction - Panic disorders and attacks can occur because a person is addicted to substances such as alcohol or drugs.
These attacks can occur even when the person is going through withdrawals.
It's also possible that both the biological and environmental causes work together.
Again, the attacks will come from nowhere.
In due time, the sufferer may bring it upon themselves.
How? They'll respond to the physical attack symptoms.
For instance, a person who has a panic disorder experiences a rapid heartbeat that's caused by some outside source such as a medication.
Yet, they may interpret the rapid heartbeat has a symptom.
The real reason they have an attack is because their anxiety level and fear rose which caused them to suffer from another attack.
Since the exact cause is unknown, it's highly important that a person seeks immediate treatment from a trained therapy professional.
This person may use one or several treatment options to help the panic attack sufferer.

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