How Do I Reduce Anxiety Naturally in Dogs?
- Begin by encouraging your dog to be independent. Continue to offer your pet affection, but do not succumb to all your dog's demands. Begin by separating the dog from yourself while indoors, such as closing a door between you and the dog for a small time. Next, very slowly increase the time that your dog is left alone each time you go outdoors. Upon return to the house, do not lavish the dog with attention.
- Treats can help relieve a dog's look at bone image by Nikolai Sorokin from
Distracting a dog can help to reduce its anxiety, whatever the cause may be. Provide it with special treats or toys to play with. According to, playing a background noise, such as a radio, can also help relieve a dog's stress. - Dogs like routine and fear change, according to If your dog's anxiety has been triggered by a new pet or even a new baby, stick as much as possible to the dog's normal routine. Continue to offer the dog the same amount of affection you did prior to the change.