Difference Between a Dual Core Proessor & Core 2 Duo Processor
- Cache memory is on the same chip as the core. It provides the core with data more quickly than RAM or hard drive memory. Also, the contents of the cache change in step with the core's operation, making crucial information easily accessible. Dual cores can allocate cache memory differently depending on the needs of the cores. That is, if one core is inactive, the other can use both caches at the same time. The more the cores can draw what they need from cache, the less they have to wait for slower memory from RAM and the hard drive.
- Unlike single-core processors, dual cores can "hyperthread" calculations. This means they can split a given calculation into two simpler calculations and have both cores work simultaneously on their share of the problem. Dual cores can also create "affinities" between certain cores and certain operations, specializing them to complete their assigned tasks more quickly.
- Some Core 2 duos do not use hyperthreading. According to SharkyExtreme.com, hyperthreading in Core 2 Duo's is "a double-edged" sword, providing better performance in some cases and having no effect in others. Hyperthreading-enabled Core 2 Duos also tend to produce excessive heat.
- Prior to the Core 2 Duo, Intel's Pentium D was notorious for high power consumption and slow performance. In 2006, Intel released its first group of Core 2 Duos. The lineup consisted of the E6300, E6400, E6600, E6700 and the X6800. These processors ranged in speed from 1.86 GHz to 2.93 GHz with a cache size of 2MB for the E6300 and the E6400. All the others had a 4MB cache size. In 2007, Intel began producing Core 2 Quad processors. These had four cores and four caches each. According to TechSpot.com, they perform almost three times faster than the Pentium D.
- Despite the appearance of four- and even six-core processors, dual cores remain on the market. As of 2010, the most recent dual core processors include the Intel i3, Intel i5, AMD Athlon II X2 250 and the AMD Phenom X2 550. Both the i3 and i5 series have the same 4MB of cache as Intel's original top of the line Core 2s. The fastest i5 operates at 3.46 GHz, about 20 percent faster than its 2007 counterpart. In comparison, the Anthlon II X2 250 has a 2MB cache and operates at 3 GHz. The Phenom X2 550 clocks in at 3.1 GHz and has 7MB of cache.