Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Prostatitis Prevention


    • The prostate gland is located at the top of the urethra, a structure more often associated with the urinary system. The urethra is a small, thin tube that connects to the bladder and allows urine to be transported outside the body. The prostate is wrapped around the entrance to the urethra and is therefore affected by many of the conditions that affect the urethra. The prostate's main function is to release nutrients for the sperm during ejaculation, allowing the sperm to remain healthy as they travel to the egg.


    • A prostate infection is the inflammation and subsequently swelling of the prostate gland. If you have a prostate infection, you may find it hard to urinate or to express the same amount of urine that you are used to expressing. There are many causes of a prostate infection, even though we may not understand all of them. Treating a prostate infection can be easily done with antibiotics, but prevention is the best form of treatment.

    Good Hygiene

    • Preventing prostate infections begins with good hygiene. The fewer bacteria that are allowed to travel up your urethra and spread to your prostate, the less likely you are to contract prostatitis. Start by keeping your genitals clean and dry. Wash your genitals at least once a day and after sexual intercourse. If you are uncircumcised, be sure to pull back your foreskin and clean beneath it. Change your underwear often and avoid wiping back to front after bowel movements.

    Safe Sex

    • Some sexually transmitted diseases, like gonorrhea, can lead to prostate infections. In addition, both heterosexual and homosexual anal sex can give bacteria that are found in the lower intestines the chance to spread to the urethra and then the prostate. Even regular sexual intercourse can lead to prostate infection because the bacteria that are found on skin can find their way into the urethra this way. Condoms can protect your urethra, and therefore your prostate, from unwanted bacteria. By using condoms for sexual intercourse, even in monogamous relationships, you can reduce your risk of prostatitis.

    Prompt UTI Treatment

    • Urinary tract infections are often seen as a female medical condition, but men can get them too. The relatively long male urethra provides some protection from infection, but the infections do happen in some cases. As bacteria colonize the urinary tract, they reproduce and spread. Bacteria can travel as far up the urinary system as the kidneys, causing serious medical conditions. Because the urethra and the prostate are intertwined, a urinary tract infection can easily spread to the prostate.
      The best way to prevent prostatitis caused by a UTI is to treat the UTI immediately. The first signs of a UTI are an increase in the urge to urinate or painful urination. Seek medical treatment immediately to avoid contracting a prostate infection as well.

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