Turn Off The Lights To Save Energy Or Just Switch To LED PL Bulbs!
LED PL light stands for light emitting diode which is a plug in light that may well be the first huge step forward in reducing energy consumption and in saving our planet.
Although Edison's light bulb was very useful for its time and it still is, it has the disadvantage of "eating" a lot of electricity and the bad "habit" of breaking down very often.
Nowadays we are aware that our planet cannot take any more pollution and that a change is needed, but what can you, simple home dwellers, can do? The solution is very simple, just change your conventional light bulbs with newer, less energy consuming and less polluting, LED technology.
The father of the light emitting diode is Nick Holonyak Jr, who managed to develop the first visible, red LED in 1962, but the principle behind it is called electroluminescence and was discovered in 1907.
You can say the technology is quite old, but it was expensive to use in the beginning and only until recent times scientists were able to develop reliable and relatively cheap LED PL lamps which can be seen in all kinds of illumination systems, but also in TVs, headlights, displays, trains, traffic lights etc.
If you wonder why more and more people are using this modern technology, the answer can be found in the advantages it has to offer.
The LED PL bulbs are a lot smaller, smaller than 2 mm, which makes them compact and shock resistant and focus light better.
This allows users to install as many as they want on a device to obtain the perfect amount of light, without having to worry about efficiency.
The biggest advantage of all relies in the energy consumption which is almost 85% smaller than in a conventional light bulb or a fluorescent tube, then there is the lifetime of this new age equipment that can last up to 50.
000 hours.
It is worth mentioning that it can be produced in all kinds of colors.
Many are blaming the big companies for polluting the planet, but they ignore the damage they do themselves on a daily basis when using conventional illumination.
This can change and a big step forward is the invention of the LED PL lamp, but the equipment will not install itself into your house, so all you have to do is to go and change your old energy consuming light bulbs, displays or TV with newer, more environment friendly illumination systems that can turn you into a modern day superhero.
The small things make the difference and you will not find something smaller than this that can make such a big difference.
It is not easy to change your lifestyle, but just imagine what kind of planet you are leaving to your children and grandsons.
LED PL light bulb is allowing you, the common home dweller, to live in harmony with the environment without changing your lifestyle.
Although Edison's light bulb was very useful for its time and it still is, it has the disadvantage of "eating" a lot of electricity and the bad "habit" of breaking down very often.
Nowadays we are aware that our planet cannot take any more pollution and that a change is needed, but what can you, simple home dwellers, can do? The solution is very simple, just change your conventional light bulbs with newer, less energy consuming and less polluting, LED technology.
The father of the light emitting diode is Nick Holonyak Jr, who managed to develop the first visible, red LED in 1962, but the principle behind it is called electroluminescence and was discovered in 1907.
You can say the technology is quite old, but it was expensive to use in the beginning and only until recent times scientists were able to develop reliable and relatively cheap LED PL lamps which can be seen in all kinds of illumination systems, but also in TVs, headlights, displays, trains, traffic lights etc.
If you wonder why more and more people are using this modern technology, the answer can be found in the advantages it has to offer.
The LED PL bulbs are a lot smaller, smaller than 2 mm, which makes them compact and shock resistant and focus light better.
This allows users to install as many as they want on a device to obtain the perfect amount of light, without having to worry about efficiency.
The biggest advantage of all relies in the energy consumption which is almost 85% smaller than in a conventional light bulb or a fluorescent tube, then there is the lifetime of this new age equipment that can last up to 50.
000 hours.
It is worth mentioning that it can be produced in all kinds of colors.
Many are blaming the big companies for polluting the planet, but they ignore the damage they do themselves on a daily basis when using conventional illumination.
This can change and a big step forward is the invention of the LED PL lamp, but the equipment will not install itself into your house, so all you have to do is to go and change your old energy consuming light bulbs, displays or TV with newer, more environment friendly illumination systems that can turn you into a modern day superhero.
The small things make the difference and you will not find something smaller than this that can make such a big difference.
It is not easy to change your lifestyle, but just imagine what kind of planet you are leaving to your children and grandsons.
LED PL light bulb is allowing you, the common home dweller, to live in harmony with the environment without changing your lifestyle.