Business & Finance Social Media

Plan and Promote Events With Social Media

Today, we see millions of organizers across the world taking the help of social media to plan and promote their small and big events.
Whether it's a single day leadership training workshop or a week-long conference with international delegates, you will find the omnipresence of social media tools everywhere to make the event management processes an easy going task.
Planning an Event The first step of event execution starts with planning.
It goes beyond saying that it includes selecting a venue, booking a caterer, and hiring people who will help to make the event happening.
Skype You can use Skype for conference calls and chats about event planning.
Skype helps in quickly tossing ideas back and forth via video conferencing and instant brainstorming sessions.
PBworks This wiki is a perfect platform for event arrangement, as it makes quite easy to add and edit information and organize content for personal and professional use.
Google Calendar and Google Docs You can use the Google calendar to assign tasks to your staff.
Google Docs will help you keep all information on a single repository.
Organizing and Inviting Guests Once you have the basic plan ready, the next thing to do is to organize the event logistics and invite the would-be attendees.
Here also, you can take the help of: PBworks It helps you keep all event data and information organized for easy reference anytime during an event.
The system lets you publish guests and speaker lists, and more.
WordPress or Blogger You can even create your own blog to post your event updates on a regular basis.
This will help your fans and followers get instant information about your upcoming meeting, conference or seminar.
Promotion and Distribution Promotion is the key to any successful program.
How can you expect a great turnout in your gathering if you have not promoted your event to maximum people! Thus, try to use all possible sources of marketing techniques your function, be it offline or online.
Offline Give printed ads on leading daily newspapers and business magazines, on radio and television to attract people to your event.
There is also an easy way of putting a billboard at a busy street corner or in front of a shopping mall or restaurant where big crowds are usually seen.
Online Social media websites such as: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn should be used to spread the word.
Ensure you set up a profile page on these sites and post texts, upload links and images relevant to the promotional aspect.
Try to insert hastags in your tweets to get high rankings on Twitter search engine therefore turning more eyeballs to your events page.

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