Technology Software

How do I Convert an Excel Spread Sheet to a PDF Program?

    • 1). Open the file in Excel you want to save. Click on the "Microsoft Office" button, then click on "Open" and locate the file on your computer. Click on "Open" to open the workbook.

    • 2). Click on the "Microsoft Office" button, then point the cursor to "Save As."

    • 3). Click on "PDF."

    • 4). Type a name for the workbook in the "File Name" list.

    • 5). Click on "PDF" in the "Save as Type" list.

    • 6). Click on "Standard" or "Minimum size" next to Optimize. Minimum size is good for publishing online while Standard gives you a higher quality suitable for printing.

    • 7). Click on the "Publish" button. The Excel file will be converted to a PDF.

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