Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Use the Creative Power of Backward ABC"s - Conceive, Believe, and Achieve Your Dreams

"Cherish your visions and your dreams.
They are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.
" -- Napoleon Hill Believe that you have what you say, and you will have what you said you believe.
Interesting thought, isn't it? It did not say: I'll believe it when I see it.
Actually the concept tells us: Believe it, and then you will see it.
It is how the world works, you know.
If you will carefully study the book of Genesis, you will see that first God said...
and then it happened.
Whatever He wanted.
First, He saw it in His mind (believe, imagine).
Then He said it.
Then He had it.
God created us just like Him, in His own image and likeness.
We are believing, speaking beings.
And we, too, can have whatever we can imagine.
God told Joshua to 'meditate day and night' in order to achieve 'good success' (Joshua 1:8).
Meditation in its simplest form means to mull things over in your mind and murmur those thoughts aloud.
You tap into the creative essence of the Universe as you meditate on the answer to some problem or dilemma.
As you draw on the wisdom of Divine Mind, you will find answers to your situations.
Napoleon Hill said it this way, "What the mind of man can Conceive and Believe, it can Achieve.
" I call it the backward ABC's.
The world thinks you have to see something to believe it, but that's backward.
Because everything in this world started first as a thought conceived in someone's mind.
Every scientific discovery, every invention, every work of art or literature started with an IDEA.
Conceive a thing and it becomes possible.
There is no area of life where this is not true.
Skyscrapers originate in the architect's mind, then to paper, and finally to physical reality.
Prehistoric man thought about fire and eventually conceived how to harness its power for heat and light.
Clarence Birdseye watched Eskimos freeze fish in ice and conceived the idea of flash-freezing fruits and vegetables.
He used the power of thought to plan the process and started Birdseye Foods to market his idea.
The product came after the thought and the belief that it was possible.
The power of thoughts and words drew Birdseye's idea into physical form.
You can do the same thing.
If you will keep imagining a thought, it will become so real on the inside that you begin to talk about it.
You will begin to make plans, discuss ideas, and 'brainstorm' ways to make it happen.
Your idea-thought-belief will become so real that you will start doing something to make it happen.
That is the power of the Universe.
God placed within you the power to create your own reality...
with your thoughts, words, and actions.
Ask yourself, "What am I thinking and saying? Is that what I want to create?"

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