Ayurvedic Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis
- Cervical spondylosis is most common in people over 40; it can cause stiffness in the neck, chest and shoulder, arm pain, loss of coordination, difficulty walking, sensations of falling, tingling in fingers and toes, abnormal reflexes and bladder and bowel control problems. These conditions can cause discomfort or embarrassment for those who have them; traditional treatments include wearing a neck brace and taking anti-inflammatory medication. In severe cases, hospitalization and traction may be required.
- The main types of ayurvedic treatment associated with cervical spondylosis are those that involve the addition of herbal supplements to a modified diet and the practice of massage. Recommended herbs include a gum resin extract that works as a laxative and cleanses the body of toxins that can cause damage to the spine. Yoga exercises that lengthen, stretch and strengthen the spine are advised; because cervical spondylosis affects the neck, it can impact balance and other crucial areas of the body. Ayurvedic treatments also include limiting the amount of sour food eaten, as well as avoiding fried food. Massage that targets the neck and shoulder joints is also advised, as this helps relax the area and release pressure in the neck.
- If signs of cervical spondylosis appear, beginning ayurvedic treatment of the condition can reduce the risk of needing a neck brace and pain medication by dealing with the problem at its source. Ayurvedic treatments for cervical spondylosis, although they focus specifically on the neck, shoulders and back, have a positive effect on the entire body if practiced properly.
- Ayurvedic practices work by choosing specific exercises, herbs and diets that will affect a particular part of the body in addition to increasing general health. The specific practices associated with ayurvedic treatment of cervical spondylosis work to increase the strength and function of the neck by increasing the individual's flexibility, relaxing the area and releasing toxins by way of massage and herbal supplements. Maintaining a healthy diet reduces the overall complications of an aging body.
- Before beginning any alternative medicinal practices, consult a doctor. No supplements or exercises should be added to a daily regimen unless discussed with a primary physician to make sure that they will not interfere with prescription medications or preexisting physical conditions. Although ayurvedic medicine is a respected and long-standing tradition, talking through any alternative options with a doctor before engaging in them will ensure your safety.