Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

3 Ways to Avoid Hemorrhoid Surgery (Hemorrhoidectomy)

External Hemorrhoids have to be at a very painful and advanced stage for a doctor to start putting forward a recommendation for surgery to resolve the problem.
The situation will probably have become debilitating for the sufferer, more than likely keeping them housebound and unable to get about without assistance.
However, a situation such as that has not crept up unawares on the sufferer.
There will have been a logical sequence of events that slowly but surely led up to the crisis that he or she now faces, and the problem will have become so desperate that it would appear that the only escape route now available is via the surgeon's knife.
However, even at this late stage it is still possible to reverse the situation.
But it has to start somewhere, and there has to be a serious commitment and determination on the part of the sufferer to reverse what has gone before.
The diet of the sufferer has to change if they are to effect a lasting and permanent hemorrhoid cure.
The human body needs fiber in the form of whole grains, vegetables and fruit.
The change over to a healthy diet can be gradual - but it must take place if the body is to have the correct fuel with which to run on.
Put the wrong gas into a car and it will start to splutter - the human body is no different.
Coupled with a fundamental change in the patient's diet there must also be a corresponding increase in the general condition of the body.
Weight has to be moving towards what is considered 'normal' for an individual's height and build.
There has to be an increase in exercise, whether performed sitting or mobile; the heart and blood system has to be toned up so that it can efficiently remove the toxins and 'sludge' that slow down and affect the essential functions of the body.
All remedial ointments, salves, potions and 'pills' should only be of the purely natural variety.
The body will function a lot better if it is not being bombarded with petro-chemical based medicines.
The body is a living natural organism - so give it natural stuff to heal itself.
There is an incredible variety of herbal remedies that deal very effectively with the various conditions and pain that accompany Hemorrhoids - and with the added bonus that none of them have any side-effects whatsoever.
Even if you are well advanced in the arrangements for going down the route of the surgeon's knife, if you were to adopt and practice the above 3 courses of action you can successfully reverse your condition and bring about an effective hemorrhoid cure that will be permanent and lasting - and it will never rear it's ugly head again!

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