Technology Software

How to Recover an Excel File for Free

    • 1). Check the Recycle Bin--if you've accidentally deleted the file, it should still be there unless you've emptied the bin, and you can click on the file and recover it.

    • 2). Use the Auto Recovery Pane when you open Excel. Review the document recovery pane. If Excel has managed to recover your file, it will show in a separate pane on the left-hand side. Identify your document in the pane, then click on it and choose "Open" to open the recovered file.

    • 3). Try manually repairing the file. Click on "File" in Excel 2003 or the "Office" button in Excel 2007, then select "Open" and click on the arrow next to the "Open" button. Click on "Open and Repair" and choose from two options: click on "Repair" if you want to try to completely recover the file, or click on "Extract Data" if you previously tried Step 1 and it did not work.

    • 4). Search for the file manually on your computer. When performing a system search (click "Start" and select "Search" in Windows XP and Windows 2000, or press the "Windows" button and "F" key in Windows 7 and Vista), make sure you choose "Advanced Search Options" and then check the "System and hidden files" check box. You may be able to find your missing or corrupted file using this search: double-click on the file name in the search results to open it.

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