Technology Networking & Internet

How to Add a Members Only Page

    • 1). Create a webpage with membership only content. Do not link to this page from your homepage or any other webpage on your site or other sites. Email this webpage URL only to website members, thereby not allowing entrance to nonmembers. The disadvantage of implementing this simple method is that members can easily pass the URL on to nonmembers.

    • 2). Insert any freely available JavaScript password-page-protection code into your webpage. Replace the given password with the password of your choice. Replace the given page URL with your webpage URL. Email website members with the webpage URL and password. When visitors open the webpage a screen will appear asking for a password. The page will then load for members who enter the password successfully and will show an unavailable message or link to an alternative webpage for nonmembers who do not know the password.

      Note: If the script redirects non-members to another webpage, you will need to replace the given redirect URL with your own webpage for non-member access.

      While this method displays a higher level of security than that of Step 1, tech-savvy web visitors can easily view the webpage source code and find out the password.

    • 3). Use a content management system to restrict page-by-page access. When creating the webpage, check the "protect page" option. Insert a password into the password text box. Email the password to website members. Other visitors wishing to enter the page will receive a restricted access message or page redirect, depending on CMS type and configuration.

    • 4). Create a CMS membership website for a site with many member-only webpages. Enable free or selective member sign up. Inside the administrative site setup, select permissions for different page types. For example, select all forum pages as member only, but blog pages as free access. Using this method, you can restrict page access on multiple pages at once.

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