Technology Software

How to Replace Part of a Photo in Photoshop

    • 1). Load the photo you want to work with onto your computer. If it is on a digital camera or storage media such as a CD or SD card, you can simply transfer the file. Otherwise you will have to scan it in. If you do choose to scan the photo, make sure that you use a high resolution setting in your scanner software (600 DPI at least). This will help reduce any moire effect, which is an interference pattern you can sometimes get when you scan in photos or other images.

    • 2). Open Photoshop. Select "File" and click "Open." In the search dialog, browse to the file you loaded and open it. If you scanned it in, you might want to improve the picture quality slightly. Select "Image" from the menu and click "Image Size." In the dialog that opens, change the "Interpolation" to "Bicubic Smoother" and double the size and resolution of the image. Click "OK."

    • 3). Go to the toolbar and select the "Clone Stamp" tool. In the options at the top, set the tool to "Source." Now hold down the "Alt" key and click an area of the image near the area you want to replace. Use the tool to paint over the area you want to remove.

    • 4). Repeat step 3 for all the parts of the image you want to replace.

    • 5). Select "File" and click "Save As." In the dialog that opens, name your file and save it as a high-resolution JPEG.

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