Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

VASER Liposuction: Is It Safe

People try different methods to achieve a perfect body shape. Fat deposits in the body that are resistant to diets and exercise can be removed through effective liposuction procedures. VASER Lipo is an advanced liposuction procedure that uses ultrasound energy to remove fat from connective tissues, while retaining the viability of cells. VASER Liposuction: is it safe? This is a question that arises in your mind when you consider Vaser 2.0 cosmetic plastic surgery. Here are some other questions that may come to your mind.Common Questions Regarding VASER Liposuction and Their AnswersThe following information should help you gain more knowledge about VASER liposuction and understand how safe it is.
  • How safe is this ultrasound technology?

  • VASER 2.0 (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) utilizes high energy ultrasound waves to break up the fat in the targeted areas without affecting the surrounding blood vessels or tissues. This ensures quick recovery.
  • What results can I expect?

  • VASER body sculpting provided at established cosmetic plastic surgery centers provides good aesthetic results such as:
    • Tightened skin
    • Improved body contour
    • Smooth skin surface
  • What body areas can be treated with this procedure?

  • This liposuction surgery can be used to treat both delicate and general body areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hips, face, chin, breasts, back, knees, calves, ankles, love handles and arms.

  • Are there any side effects involved?

  • Normal side effects of bruising and swelling can be reduced by choosing an experienced plastic surgeon.
  • How much fat can I remove? At a time how many body areas can be treated?

  • Multiple areas can be treated simultaneously. The amount of fat to be removed will be decided by the plastic surgeon after a detailed examination.
  • How long is the recovery time and how soon will I see the results?

  • The recovery time depends on the extent of fat removed and the number of areas treated. You can see complete results of the treatment within three to four months after the treatment.
  • How does this work?

  • VASER2.0 system used in this treatment has advanced ultrasound technology in it to treat the affected areas and offer smooth body sculpting. Tumescent fluid is injected into the targeted area that numbs the area, and makes it easier to remove the fat cells. Ultrasonic probes resonating at high frequency virtually shake the fat cells and liquefy the fat. The loose fat cells that mix with the tumescent fluid are removed gently through suction tubes.
  • How long does the procedure take and will it hurt?

  • This is a minimally invasive procedure and the patient remains awake throughout the treatment. Treatment in a single area requires only an hour, with the time varying according to the number of areas treated.
Initial consultation with your plastic surgeon will help you understand the importance of maintaining realistic expectations. Find a renowned surgical center in Manhattan, NYC that provides safe VASER Liposuction and undergo the procedure that is provided by a knowledgeable and experienced plastic surgeon.

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