Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Sleep, Dreams, and How to Get the Most Out of Every Night

For virtually all who sleep, dreams are an important part of life.
Some people do not realize that they dream, but there have only been a very few documented cases of people who did not dream.
As you sleep, dreams can help you learn, increase your memory, and even stay sane.
It helps if you keep track of your dreams.
While you sleep, dreams will cause physical symptoms to make the dreams apparent.
Although you do not usually have movement in your large muscles, your small muscles may twitch and you may speak or cry out.
If you do not believe that you dream, you could be tested in a sleep lab as an experiment.
Chances are that the technicians would find that during your sleep, dreams do take place for you.
When you sleep, dreams help you work out your problems in life.
After a traumatic incident, you will go to sleep and dreams will do their job.
Your dreams follow a progression as you get better and better in your emotional understanding of the event.
At first, as you sleep, dreams may be terrifying, with the object of your fear taking a leading role.
As time goes by, your mind will categorize the incident and file it away.
The fearful object will become harmless as you sleep and dream.
To make this happen more quickly and easily, it helps to try to remember you dreams.
Go to bed with the idea that as you sleep, dreams will stick in your mind in the morning.
Have something beside the bed with which to write down your dreams when you get up.
After sleep, dreams may seem fragmented and difficult to pin down.
Start writing anyway.
More will probably come to you.
As you work on this project over the months, when you sleep, dreams will become more easily remembered and clear in the morning.
You might wonder what the point is of focusing your sleep on dreams that may seem to have nothing to do with anything.
When you are in the habit of writing down your dreams, you will begin to see patterns.
A helpless feeling might be more important than what caused it in the dream.
Knowing that when you sleep dreams will make themselves known to you can give you a sense of control.
Learning is also facilitated as you sleep; dreams help you incorporate the new material you have been given into the memory stores you already have.
People who are learning something will not remember it very well if they are not given adequate sleep for dreams.
It is not yet understood how sleep dreams help people with short term memory, but it appears that they do.
If you know about the importance of dreams, you will be happy if you can count on the fact that while you sleep, dreams will help to order your mind and emotions.
Both sleep and dreams can restore your energy.
They can even help you feel strong.

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