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Schools in Panama

Panama has some of the best schools in Central America, due in part to the tremendous diversity of families that have moved to Panama over the last decade.  Panama schools have enjoyed a rich history, with some of the oldest schools dating back to the early 1900’s when the Panama Canal first came into operation.  In the last 20 years, several new, world class schools have opened including the International School of Panama, which is considered one of the best schools in the region.  Other schools in Panama cater to specific-needs families, including religious schools and classrooms for developmentally delayed children.  Panama also has a well developed public schools system, however all of the curriculum is taught in Spanish.  This report will focus on private schools that cater to expatriates.

A number of specialty schools exist in Panama, including several Jewish Schools, a Japanese School, and a handful of American-style elementary and high schools.  The Japanese School is located in the Marbella district and specializes in Japanese education.  Curriculum at the Japanese school includes martial arts and Eastern religion classes, with instruction given in both Japanese and English.

Panama is home to a significant Jewish population, and for this reason a number of world class Jewish schools are available for families relocating to Panama.  Pricing and curriculum vary, with the majority of schools being concentrated in the city center.  Escuela Isaac Rabin offers kindergarten through high school, with an intensive English focus from first grade . Two other notable Jewish schools include Instituto Alberto Einstein, which was founded in 1954 and Academia Hebrea de Panama.  Total enrollment at Jewish schools in Panama is estimated at 1500 students.

Campus size and facilities vary depending on their location, but the majority of private Schools in Panama are fully integrated in terms of cutting edge technology.  Both Balboa Academy and the International School of Panama offer an integrated online system that allow parents and students real time access to grades, homework, and important announcements.   These two schools are also noteworthy for beautiful campus grounds that include well maintained sports grounds and spacious classrooms.

Any family considering a move to Panama can be reassured that there is a tremendous variety of private school options in and around Panama City.

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