Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Roses That Don't Bloom


    • Pruning encourages even growth, new stem growth and more blooms. Climbing roses bloom on the new stems of old wood, and failing to prune properly may cause blooms to form only near cane ends, where fewer blooms form. Growers should take care when pruning, as cane damage may affect the rose's ability to produce blooms the following year.


    • Failure to bloom can be caused by a lack of nutrients. The three most important nutrients for roses are nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Growers should provide ample phosphorous prior to and during bud formation. Roses need additional phosphorous around the time of blooming.


    • Too much nitrogen can cause roses to develop ample foliage, but lack flowers. Growers using coffee grounds on roses may unintentionally create such a condition.

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