Health & Medical Disability

Choosing Between An Electric Wheel Chair And A Mobility Scooter

Recent technological advancements have made just about everything smaller, quicker, cheaper and more user-friendly. This is not only the case for those who are young and healthy, but also for the elderly or those who suffer from physical disabilities. These innovations have allowed the blind to read, the deaf to hear and the lame to walk.

Two recent innovations worth mentioning are the electric wheel chair and the electric mobility scooter. Both have done wonders for the elderly, the paraplegic, as well as those suffering from multiple sclerosis or other walking disabilities. These battery operated vehicles have given such people independence and freedom of movement that they could not have dreamed of just a few decades ago.

At the same time, each of these two machines have their advantages and disadvantages. If you are trying to decide whether to get an electric wheelchair or mobility scooter, you should think about the following:

Amount of Use How much time each day are you going to spend in the vehicle? Mobility scooters are great for getting you from place to place, however they dont have the amount of comfort and support that electric wheel chairs do. Thus, if youre planning to spend a significant amount of time each day in the vehicle, then an electric wheel chair may be right for you.

Maneuverability If you are going to need to navigate around a lot of narrow hallways and sharp turns then electric scooter will probably be a better choice. Mobility scooters usually have a greater turn radius that electric wheel chairs, therefore task like going to the bathroom can be a bit difficult.

Accessibility to Work Areas Accessibility to desks is much easier with an electric wheel chair as compared with the mobility scooter. Mobility scooters have a handlebar located at the front which will prevent you from getting close enough to your desk to do your work.

Indoor and Outdoor Due to their smaller turn radius and ability to navigate narrow hallways, electric wheelchairs have a clear advantage for indoor use. However, mobility scooters can be hardier as compared with electric wheelchairs, especially the 4 wheeled mobility scooters; therefore if most of your use will be for the outdoors then the mobility scooter might be the right choice.

Steering If you have complete use of your upper body muscles then a steering-operating mobility scooter is no problem; however if a disability prevents you from exerting too much upper body strength then an electric wheel chair is probably a better choice. An electric wheelchair can be operated at the push of a button.

Positioning and Reclining If you are going to be spending a lot of time in your electric vehicle and do not have full use of your upper body, then an electric wheel chair is a better option. An electric wheel chair offers greater support and comfort, as well as reclining options, as compared with a mobility scooter.

Portability Finally, if you are going to be travelling a lot and will be needing to take your vehicle everywhere you travel, then you require something which can easy be folded and stowed. An electric wheelchair fits the bill here as well.

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