Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids - The Typical Symptoms Explained

There are several typical symptoms of hemorrhoids which can be used to determine if one actually has hemorrhoids or not.
  It is important to note however, that while there are several symptoms, not all symptoms appear in every individual suffering from hemorrhoids.
It is also important to note that some symptoms associated with hemorrhoids are actually symptoms which are present in serious medical conditions; when it doubt, the individual should get an evaluation from a physician to assess if one is dealing with hemorrhoids or a more serious health matter.
Common Symptoms of Hemorrhoids Rectal bleeding:  This can be one of the very first signs that one has hemorrhoids forming and it can be one of the most disturbing symptoms.
  Let's face it, no one is pleased to note bleeding after a bowel movement or after cleaning the anorectal area.
  Usually the bleeding is slight or spotted.
  The bleeding is one of many common symptoms of hemorrhoids, and is caused by hemorrhoid irritation.
  Internal hemorrhoids may bleed and this may be the only symptom one develops.
  External hemorrhoids might also bleed and sometimes are accompanied by other symptoms of hemorrhoids.
  Finally, if the bleeding is prolonged or profuse, it will be necessary to seek out immediate medical assistance.
Bumps on the anus:  Bumps on the anus are formed when external hemorrhoids develop.
  The bumps are actually veins of the anus which have swollen due to the fact that they have filled up with blood.
  The bumps may be small, but can become larger over time.
Pain:  Swollen veins in the anus can become incredibly uncomfortable and painful.
  To alleviate pain, it will be necessary to minimize the swelling of the area through various hemorrhoid treatment methods.
Itchiness: The area where hemorrhoids form can become incredibly difficult to care for and to clean.
  The area will therefore become highly irritated and begin to itch.
  Proper cleaning methods can aid in reducing symptoms of this nature.
Less Common Symptoms There are less common symptoms of hemorrhoids that hemorrhoid sufferers should keep an eye out for.
  Usually, less common symptoms develop when the condition worsens or becomes severe.
  Below are some of the symptoms to keep an eye out for.
  If the symptoms develop, it is time to see a doctor.
Severe Pain:  If an individual develops severe pain, it could be because they are dealing with thrombosed hemorrhoid formations.
  When a hemorrhoid becomes thrombosed the blood inside the hemorrhoid has actually clotted and hardened.
  A doctor can help in remedying such issues.
Protrusions: Protrusions form from prolapsed internal hemorrhoids, and it will be necessary to see a doctor to determine the severity of the issue.
  Some prolapsed hemorrhoids require removal.
Anal Seepage:  Sometimes hemorrhoids can become so engorged with blood and swollen that the anal sphincter fails to close correctly: the result is seepage of waste material from the anal cavity.
  If one's condition has become so severe that the pain is unbearable, or it begins to affect one's day-to-day functioning, it is time to call on the services of a medical professional.

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