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Free Tips on Jumping Higher - Achieve Your Vertical Jumping Goal Today!

Most athletes who try to improve their vertical go about it the wrong way.
They throw a bunch of ideas together and try to achieve their goal.
They don't see results and quickly quit trying.
There are two very important things you need to do when trying to improve your vertical.
Use these free tips on jumping higher to propel you to new heights.
One of the biggest mistakes people make when attempting to jump higher is they do not follow a guide or program.
They try and make their own routine and it simply does not work.
When you create your own program it leads to many things-including failure.
You either over train specific muscles or under train them.
When you over train them you continually tear down the muscle and it never has a chance to heal.
When you under train the muscles they do not fully develop.
Both cases lead to you not jumping higher.
You see very minuscule results, if any at all.
The second biggest mistake people make when trying to improve their jumping abilities is they leave out crucial parts.
One of these very crucial parts are plyos or plyometrics.
What are these you might ask? They are rapid, quick movements that significantly improve your jumping skills.
There are dozens of plyos that you can do.
Some of the best are jump tucks and ankle hops.
A jump tuck is when you jump off both feet into the air pulling your knees as high up as possible.
If your knees hit you in the chest, perfect! An ankle hop is when you jump off two feet, but only using your ankles.
In other words you jump by keeping your legs straight.

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