Are You Looking for Customers? You Absolutely Must Do This!
Are you looking for customers? Right now if you are trying to build an income online or promoting your network marketing business, you absolutely must find ways to reach out and find new customers.
Most online mlm business owners are struggling with this.
Are you trying to build your online mlm business but find you are spending more money each month than you are making? Are you frustrated with promoting your business and not seeing results? There are three current marketing trends right now that every online mlm business owner and affiliate marketer must be familiar with to be successful.
If you are not promoting your business using the power of these three trends, then you are missing out on profits and customers.
Everyday you see major companies like Ford and Walmart using these three techniques.
Why aren't you? I am not going to elaborate on all three current marketing trends in this article, but here they are: 1.
Blogging 2.
Text Messaging 3.
Online Social Networking Like I said, I am not going to go into all three current marketing trends here but any marketer, online or offline, must be aware of the power of Social Networking.
I just read somewhere that Facebook.
com is worth at least $23 Billion! How much of that are you getting? As a network marketer or affiliate marketer, you must put a face on your business.
I mean YOUR FACE! People buy from other people they know and trust.
If you do not have a Facebook account and twitter accounts - get them now! In fact, stop reading this and go to Facebook.
com and twitter.
com and create your accounts now, then come back.
It doesn't stop with just Facebook and Twitter.
If you have a specific product or service that serves a certain group of people, you need to seek out those people that will eventually become your customers.
Search out other social networking sites and create accounts with them.
Then once you have created your profile, join groups within the social network site that cater to the type of people who would be interested in your product or service.
Reach out to those people and get to know them.
DO NOT TRY TO SELL TO THEM! At least not at first.
Get to know them first.
Later after you have built some rapport, maybe you can help them with a problem or concern they are having in their life.
Possibly a problem that your product solves.
Then they are ready to buy, not be sold something.
There are many social networks out there.
One social network I found recently is Apsense.
Since my product and services are geared toward helping network marketers build their business, I build relationships with other marketers like myself.
Using social networks, I have gotten to know many people around the world and that's exciting! With the power of the internet, you can make dozens and dozens of new friends right from home and build your business at the same time.
If you are looking for customers, you absolutely must do this! Have fun! To Your Success, John Houck (702)530-4843
Most online mlm business owners are struggling with this.
Are you trying to build your online mlm business but find you are spending more money each month than you are making? Are you frustrated with promoting your business and not seeing results? There are three current marketing trends right now that every online mlm business owner and affiliate marketer must be familiar with to be successful.
If you are not promoting your business using the power of these three trends, then you are missing out on profits and customers.
Everyday you see major companies like Ford and Walmart using these three techniques.
Why aren't you? I am not going to elaborate on all three current marketing trends in this article, but here they are: 1.
Blogging 2.
Text Messaging 3.
Online Social Networking Like I said, I am not going to go into all three current marketing trends here but any marketer, online or offline, must be aware of the power of Social Networking.
I just read somewhere that Facebook.
com is worth at least $23 Billion! How much of that are you getting? As a network marketer or affiliate marketer, you must put a face on your business.
I mean YOUR FACE! People buy from other people they know and trust.
If you do not have a Facebook account and twitter accounts - get them now! In fact, stop reading this and go to Facebook.
com and twitter.
com and create your accounts now, then come back.
It doesn't stop with just Facebook and Twitter.
If you have a specific product or service that serves a certain group of people, you need to seek out those people that will eventually become your customers.
Search out other social networking sites and create accounts with them.
Then once you have created your profile, join groups within the social network site that cater to the type of people who would be interested in your product or service.
Reach out to those people and get to know them.
DO NOT TRY TO SELL TO THEM! At least not at first.
Get to know them first.
Later after you have built some rapport, maybe you can help them with a problem or concern they are having in their life.
Possibly a problem that your product solves.
Then they are ready to buy, not be sold something.
There are many social networks out there.
One social network I found recently is Apsense.
Since my product and services are geared toward helping network marketers build their business, I build relationships with other marketers like myself.
Using social networks, I have gotten to know many people around the world and that's exciting! With the power of the internet, you can make dozens and dozens of new friends right from home and build your business at the same time.
If you are looking for customers, you absolutely must do this! Have fun! To Your Success, John Houck (702)530-4843