Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid Home Treatment From Your Cupboard and Windowsill

Hemorrhoids can be really stubborn but fortunately majority of the cases respond well to home remedy treatment and some alterations in one's diet.
You can get Hemorrhoid home treatment from your cupboard, from your sink, from your freezer, from your refrigerator or from the windowsill.
The first home remedy from your cupboard is a potato.
Take two clean potatoes, grate them into little pieces and blend until they change into liquid form.
You might add some water if they appear dry.
Spread the end product into a thin, clean gauze bandage or you might even use a clean hankie.
Fold it into two and apply it thoroughly on the hemorrhoid for around 5-10 minutes.
The other home remedy from your cupboard is Prunes.
Prunes are known to have a natural laxative effect that will not only help soften your stool but will hugely help improve your general digestion.
Encourage yourself to take at least 1-3 prunes each day.
Vinegar is another tested and proven hemorrhoid home treatment.
Take a piece of cotton ball, and dip it into apple cider vinegar or plain vinegar.
Apply it directly on the affected areas after wiping the area clean dry, and wait to see instant relief from itch, irritation, swelling and burn at your anorectal area.
Vinegar is known to possess astringent properties that will instantly shrink the swollen blood vessel and get rid of the problem.
   Aloe Vera, which is a very versatile remedy, can also be a hemorrhoid home treatment.
Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory ingredients that will reduce the irritation and inflammation of hemorrhoids.
Take an aloe Vera leaf, wash it and cut a piece of it.
Take the clear gel that comes out and apply it directly on the hemorrhoids.
These hemorrhoid home treatments will not only keep the discomfort away but also the hemorrhoids.

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