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Are There More Baby Girl Conceptions Or Pregnancies With Daughters Just Before Ovulation?

I often write articles meant to help couples who want to conceive a baby girl achieve this goal.
Recently, someone emailed me with the question: "Are their more baby girl pregnancies that occur right before ovulation?" In other words, is the success rate for conceiving a daughter higher if you conceive during the few days before you ovulate? I wholeheartedly believe that the answer to this question is yes (but for more reasons than one.
) I'll explain everything that goes into being successful in getting a girl baby in the following article.
Why Conceiving Just Before Your Egg Is Ready (Three Days Prior To Ovulation Is Optimal) Favors Getting A Girl Baby: Before I get into the timing of conception, I want to explain why this timing is so important.
The gender of your baby will depend on a few things.
The mother-to-be's egg will either be fertilized by either a Y sperm chromosome (which will get you a boy) or an X chromosome (which will result in a girl.
) On the surface, this seems like 50 / 50 odds but there are many variables that can greatly stack the odds for the Y or the X to have an advantage.
Plus, these chromosomes have wildly different behaviors.
The boy sperm are lightning fast, while the girl sperm are slow.
But, the girl sperm are extremely virile and strong while the boy sperm are vulnerable and weak.
The girl sperm can live for days, while the boy sperm die off quickly.
(Luckily though, their quickness helps to counter this weakness.
) The reason that you want to conceive BEFORE you ovulate is because by doing so, you are giving the boy sperm a longer period of time to die off before they can make it to the egg.
The optimal time frame is three days prior to ovulation.
Any sooner than this and the girl sperm would start to deteriorate as well.
Any later than this and the boy sperm could still be quite healthy and fast.
Obviously, for this to work well, you'll need to know when you're going to ovulate well before this actually happens.
It's said that conceiving a boy can be easier because you get to conceive after ovulation happens.
So, you actually have more time once you've ovulated if you want a son.
But, if you want a daughter, knowing that you're already ovulated is much too late.
You're already missed the window.
So, you need to be able to foresee when you will ovulate (in the future) and take action well before that.
Obviously then, you'll need a very reliable method.
I know that many still try to use the calendar or cervical mucus methods, but these are so outdated and leave so much room for error.
Technology has given us better, more reliable ways.
There are saliva and urine ovulation predictors that can show you small changes that tell you that ovulation is on the horizon.
I prefer using saliva as these are reusable (and less expensive over time) and allow you the flexibility of not needing to use first morning urine.
You can use them at any time of the day and you can really see the changes in your saliva taking place.
Two Other Things That Will Greatly Improve Your Chances Of Conceiving A Girl: Timing your ovulation is extremely important, but it is only one part of your plan.
You'll need to do everything that you can to ensure that the fast boy chromosomes don't have a chance to race for the egg.
One other way that you can do this is to use shallow penetration when you are trying to get pregnant.
This will give the Y guys a long hard trip, stacking the odds that they won't be able to make it.
Another thing that you'll need to do is to create a highly acidic vaginal environment with a high PH reading.
Why is this important? Because those fast little Y guys just can't handle this hostile environment.
So, as mean as it sounds, if you're wanting a daughter, you'll want to put getting a hostile vaginal environment high on your to-do list.
How do you do this? In two ways.
First, you can go on a high PH diet.
You'll consume foods that are acidic and avoid foods that are alkaline.
You're not limiting the amount that you eat in any way.
You're only limiting the types of foods that you eat.
There are food list that can help with this.
The final way to get a high enough PH is by douching.
I realize that I criticized old fashioned cervical mucus monitoring, but I'm now telling you to douche, which many consider to be old fashioned.
However, the douching that I'm suggesting goes much farther than old fashioned vinegar and water.
Most douche recipes today are based on what your PH already is.
You can test this using saliva strips that test where you already fall.
Then, you have concrete evidence of how far you will need to raise until you're high enough to conceive a girl.
Once you have this reading, you will go on the diet or use the applicable douches (depending on your reading.
) Or, you can incorporate both methods.
Doing this will often give you faster and more dramatic results.
This is a personal choice though.
Some people would rather go all in and speed this process along and some can only handle one at a time.
Finally, it's very important that you address all of these things together.
You're short changing yourself if you use the correct intercourse position only to go in with an acidic environment or you make the mistake of conceiving too late.
Using all of these variables together will greatly increase your odds (some estimate them as high as 90 plus percent) so it makes sense to make sure you cover all of your bases.

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