How to Edit Photos Quickly in CS4
- 1). Open your image in Adobe Photoshop. Go to the File menu and select "Open," then navigate to your image's location on your computer. Select the image, then click "OK" to open the image in Photoshop.
- 2). Open the Actions menu to begin creating a custom preset action for editing your photos. Select "Windows" from the top toolbar, then select "Actions" from the drop-down menu. This open the Actions menu window.
- 3). Click "Create New Action" at the bottom of the Actions menu window. Name the action so you will remember what the action does. You can also assign the action to a function key using the drop-down menu, so that the action can be activated by the touch of a button. Click "Record."
- 4). Begin editing your photo. Each step you perform will display in the Actions menu. If you make a mistake, use the "Step Backwards" function under the "Edit" option on the top toolbar. When you are finished editing, press the square "Stop" button at the bottom of the Actions menu window. Save your edited photo.
- 5). Open the next photo and then press the function key assigned to your actions. This applies your editing preset in one step. Large actions can use a large amount of memory, so be prepared if your computer slows down.